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Fron end noises


Well-Known Member
January 31, 2005
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91 4x4
I need some help trying to figure out these noises my front end has been giving me.Also very sorry if this stuff has been discussed before.I would try the search but not sure what to type in for the search.

Anyhow here is whats going on.A few months ago i took my truck in to get my tires rotated and the guy came and told me that my bearings were shot.Shot to the point he said that the tire could fly off soon.I also did notice before i took it in that when i hit the brake they was a very bad grinding noise coming from up front.It would also do it when slowly rolling.Anyway so i got the bearings for both sides and replaced them myself.One side i did notice the grease was milky.After inspecting more i saw that the grease ring on the backside of the rotor was shot.The rubber lining was peeling off on both rotors so i replaced them also.Now when i turn my turck the the right dosent matter how hard or soft there is a pop and then a click noise coming from the drivers side tire.Ive also noticed that when im slowing down that the front end seems to be wobbiling side to side and it does this to a little around 40-45 mph.

Sorry for the long thread but any help here would be appriciated alot.


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Jack the front left up off the ground with the weight of the truck on the lower control arm, and feel for play in the front wheel, side to side, and up and down. Look for where the play is while you move it. Sounds like something isn't tight to me. Either you didn't tighten something up enough or there is a tie rod, or idler arm problem.
Good luck.

Check the rotors, if the cups are grooved or the calipers may be dragging, something causwed the bearing wear heat is a huge problem with bearings. also don't forget to retighten the bearings after a 1000 or so miles just to check them as they wear in.
Tie rod would cause a shake. could also check the radius arm bushings they may be shot and hitting metal on metal.
Just some sugestions. Good luck and let us know what you find.

Ok got under the truck and heres what i found.

Well first i did replace the radius arm bushing on the left side.Now that i think of it we didnt get to the other side because it was fine at the time.

Anyway what else i found is that some of the grease boots had no grease in them.Well i fixed that problem up.And then found some bolts along the way that werent tight and tightened them.Checked the inside bearings and all that seemed to be fine.Took it our for a test drive afterwards and all seemed ok.Will do a better test drive later on.Im going to go back out and check the other sides radius arm bushings to see if that might be a problem too.

Anyway thanks for the help you gave me.

Nuggethead 420 said:
Tie rod would cause a shake

a noise that sounds like a shake? or a shake in the suspention/steering?

Ok after a good run just now over bumps and all sorts ive found something out maybe i can get help with.When i go over speed bumps or the speed humps we have here slowly i hear a click noise like something is clicking out of place.But when i go over bumps at a fast pace they arent there.Also when going into a speed dip when the truck moves side to side it does that same noise.Now this is also coming from the driver side tire.

Thanks for any responses.

when i hit a speed bump or good sized bupm my front end scweeks loader the more bumps you it and if its hot out it does it when you release the brake at and intersection any ideas

Noises with our trucks equipped with TTB are often hard to diagnose. It seems that at times, the noise doesn’t seem to make it apparent enough to even begin to tell what could be happening. Polyurethane bushings are known to squeak more then their (OEM) urethane counterpart. But the polyurethane will defiantly last longer. If the bushings on your truck are stock, and you are starting to hear noises, more than likely you are in for some (not necessarily major) suspension repairs.

If you have any noises in your front end, it’s good to do (what 410Fortune calls) a 'Shakedown' test.

Retorque the sway bar mounts, make sure all the sway bar bushings are still there and free from cracking and separation.

Check the Axle pivot area... if you have aftermarket bushings make sure the beams haven’t started 'walking,' or moved from the front of the bracket, to the back. There should be a 1/2in or so of room from the back of the beam to the bracket. Also retorque this (~150ftlbs)

Examine the famous Radius Arm Bushings... You can try retorquing them... (100~150ftlb) If they are new and you expect them making noise then remove them and hit them up with some Lithium Based Grease These are difficult to determine if they need to be replaced just by looking at them, since most the damage suffered by these bushings are hidden on the backside of the front bushing in the Radius arm bucket. You can usually tell if they are bad by removing the nut, rear bushings and all and see if there are any chunks/cracks in the backside of the front bushings (through the back of the Radius arm bucket)

Reseat the Coil Spring... Usually an improperly seated coil spring would be accompanied with a popping sound over bumps. Make sure the top part of the spring is fit into the grooves in the stock bucket, the flat side of the spring retainer is pressed evenly onto the bottom of the coil, and torque to 100~150ftlbs.

Inspect the Tie rod ends... I believe most first Generation Explorers use castle nuts + cotter pins on the tie rods. So there probably isn’t a torque setting for these, but if you suspect they are making noise then it’s quite possible that the tie rod end itself needs to be replaced. Check them all for excessive play especially the Tie Rod at the pitman arm. Replacing the cotter pin and retorqing them would probably help (not sure of the torque specification, check Haynes?)

Common Ball joint/Wheel bearing test... everyone knows this test, jack the truck up and place it on stands. Place you hands at 12 -o- and 6 -o- clock and check for play, front to back. Any play will signify that the spindle nuts have come loose, or the ball joints are bad.

Having problems with a humming/grinding/squeaking that gets louder/softer with speed? Check out ExplorerDMB's thread on Diagnosing Drive-line vibrations

tie rod rubber boots

hi there. has anyone ever replaced the rubber grease boots of the tie rod ends of a '91 exploder? are they worth repairing?

i have been having a tough time finding out if i can replace those with a poly bushing.

can i also replace the grease boots that are at the drag link and steering rod assembly with new boots or better - poly bushings? i put too much grease in them and some sprung leaks around the edges and some just bursted with a pinhole.

Also, even though i don't drive off road much, has anyone put on a steering stabilizer? Is it easy to add on and does it help dampen the steering a bit when hitting those potholes or holes on dirt roads. Thanks much!
