Front and Rear Scuff plates | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front and Rear Scuff plates


Well-Known Member
March 20, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 EX Limited, 302A
Hey guys,
I just wanted to share this with y'all. I am sure you may have seen it and if I remember some folks were looking for it also.

I have the Limited which had the small Explorer aluminum plate in the front and while I liked it I wanted a little more - typical I guess.

After searching I found these on Ebay and I took a chance with them. Received them today and I gotta say I am very impressed.

I included some pics and when I actually install them i'll post more. Hope this helps someone..


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Very nice!! I want to get some lighted ones for the rear.

Very nice!! I want to get some lighted ones for the rear.

if someone made the same scuff plate and the rectangle where the "Explorer" is was made out of acrylic and a back light it would be awesome.

can you buy the ones that light up yet?

Look good, but the front ones don't seem real smooth as they curve. Is that just the flash?

I like these but am curious as to how they will last from a scuff/scratch/dent standpoint. Unlike the small OEM one, they will get the full weight of shoes, boots and heels across the wide sill.

Keep us posted because I think they are cool if they are smooth looking and wear well.

Hey guys,
So I wanted to provide an update on this.

I installed the scuff plates and I was fairly pleased. iIt certainly covers more of the "lip" so less scratching on the actual plastic moulding.

A few things I noticed which may not meet some folks expectations - they aren't an exact fit. Meaning there is a little (few millimeters) extra on the sides. The double sided tape holds it place just fine though and to me its not noticeable. Also the 3m tape on the plates were not enough so I had to get a roll and redo it. When I was done the fronts looked nice.

The rear ones had the same issues and in addition they weren't smooth where the "Explorer" was stamped. As one person pointed out there was a wave to it. To me it didn't really matter as the overall looks was decent enough and the wave wasn't noticeable to the average person.

I believe it did give my Ex a nicer spiffier look. Would I recommend it - sure. Overall I'd give it about a 8 in terms of product quality. Ease of installation gets 2, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being most difficult. In terms of looks IMO I'd say a 9.5

If you guys want me to post pics I can. Just a little lazy to go outside at 11pm.

I would like to see some pictures...

Thinking about getting these then water jet cutting out the letters for the illuminated logo to show through. Thoughts?

Thinking about getting these then water jet cutting out the letters for the illuminated logo to show through. Thoughts?

I think that would be perfect. What would you use for the lights? Keep me updated.

They are already illuminated in my sport.

Hey guys,
So I wanted to provide an update on this.

I installed the scuff plates and I was fairly pleased. iIt certainly covers more of the "lip" so less scratching on the actual plastic moulding.

A few things I noticed which may not meet some folks expectations - they aren't an exact fit. Meaning there is a little (few millimeters) extra on the sides. The double sided tape holds it place just fine though and to me its not noticeable. Also the 3m tape on the plates were not enough so I had to get a roll and redo it. When I was done the fronts looked nice.

The rear ones had the same issues and in addition they weren't smooth where the "Explorer" was stamped. As one person pointed out there was a wave to it. To me it didn't really matter as the overall looks was decent enough and the wave wasn't noticeable to the average person.

I believe it did give my Ex a nicer spiffier look. Would I recommend it - sure. Overall I'd give it about a 8 in terms of product quality. Ease of installation gets 2, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being most difficult. In terms of looks IMO I'd say a 9.5

If you guys want me to post pics I can. Just a little lazy to go outside at 11pm.

I'd like to see closeups, particularly on the "extra" millimeters part.

Glad these scuff plates protect the plastic molding underneath. All in all, they do look good, although I might be worried that they look too good. They are meant to take the abuse, but would my healthy level of OCD kick in if those things got scratched, dinged, etc LOL
