Front axle play - CV joint or Diff bearing ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front axle play - CV joint or Diff bearing ?


New Member
September 26, 2017
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2010 Explorer V6 XLT
hi there, first post from me,

Sympthoms are driving around 1500 rpm - 20 to 40 km/h I get some winning noise/vibration back through steering, engaging 4x4 high definitely makes it worse, turning doesn't seem to affect it really I can can get it while on a straight line, still there when 4x4 disengaged (auto) but lower noise, the noise also fades when driving faster but still there in the background.

As you can see in this video I got some play perpendicular to the axis and also some play on the axis line. No play on the wheel side joint.

I'm thinking the differential bearing is shot but that's not a 5 min job so trying to eliminate an axle/CV joint issue if it could be.. what ya'll think ?


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It does not look that bad, looks almost like normal play.
It may be the diff bearing more than the CV shaft. Broken CV makes a different noise.

But it can also be one of the front hubs, or the transfer case. Can you put it safely on some stands or blocks with wheels in the air, engage 4x4, de-activate traction control,have someone "drive it" while you listen with a stethoscope ?

I had a case on mine that drove me to the point where I removed both CVs and the front driveshaft just to narrow down the source. It was still there. It ended up being "pocket bearing" in the transfer case.
Another source of the noises is the front u-joint on the front driveshaft. Check that for play or for a seized cap on one of ends.

checked front driveshaft, absolutely no play.. it's true that the left CV shaft has the same play as the right CV shaft so it may be normal play.. car is going for service at the dealer anyway in couple days so we'll see if they can point it out
I may have time to try to put it on stands just before.. we'll see
thanks for your input

ok, more info:
My car was serviced at the dealership, I asked them to diagnostic the front noise:
1 - First we did a test drive, since the noise was varying with engine RPM while doing 40km/h en Neutral the technician suspected the transmission oil pump.
2 - They did a "wheels up" test and told me it's not the transmission pump but the transfer case.
3 - Back home, I removed the front driveshaft and no more noise (so => not trans oil pump for sure).
4 - Checked the front shaft joints and they look perfect, no play, no grease leaks

So what could it be ? I understand this might still be the transfer case, could the "no noise without front shaft" point us to some specific element of the transfer case ? What's more likely to fail ?

PS : I live in Dubai and prices here are horrendous, expect to pay 250% for parts and labor at the dealer.. There are some good side road garages but you I want to know before I go talk to these guys.

I had something similar. In my case it was the rear output bearing where the big driveshaft connects and spins. In your case it may be the front output bearing in the transfer case, or the front differential.
The problem is the car makes different noise when in air with no load on drivetrain, but I would still put it up on the lift and listen with a sthetoscope to the differential and the 4 bearings in the transfer case (one of them is a pocket bearing on the other side of the rear driveshaft).
At this point if you can also find a shop that has this or buy it yourself:

Using the part number, search for better price.
