Front Brake Hose Clip | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Brake Hose Clip


New Member
September 10, 2012
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Santa Fe, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 & '02 XLT
I have been looking on this forum for a solution to my problem but haven't found one and am hoping someone on this forum might have some advice.

I've been repairing the brakes on a '93 XLT 2wd. Replaced drums, rotors, pads front and rear, and all the springs and small parts of the rear. The flexible brake hoses that run from the top of the wheel well to the front calipers need to be replaced as they are cracking. I understand the steps involved :
1 Unscrew hardline male fitting from the female socket at the top of brake hose.
2 Remove bolt that connects hose to caliper
3 Remove retaining clip that holds hose to top of spring bracket
4 replace with new hose
Well step 3 there is turning out to be a real PIMA:mad: I've searched this forum high and low and although several people have asked how to remove this clip nobody has given an answer, at least not that I have been able to find.
I've tried pulling it off with pliers, hooking a screwdriver under it and prying, and tried to use a drift punch. Made the thing spin a couple dozen times and scrapped up my knuckles, but the clip is still there.
Any advice is appreciated.

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Its a PITA for sure. I used a screwdriver and it took some work, thats for sure.

I usually just take a flat screwdriver and nudge it away like a punch with a hammer. Otherwise you can pry it away. It takes a certain finesse to push/punch a C clip without making it spin.

If necessary, a wider punch that will contact both tips of the clip at the same time will push it back some, then you can just pry it off the rest of the way with a screwdriver.

Finally got it!:D Thing is it wasn't a standard C clip. It's an odd piece of folded metal that is not fully open at either end. Had to pry against one end with a screwdriver, bent the hell out of it but got it off. The replacement clips I got at the store are more of a C shape but very different looking then what was on there, they look more like what is actually pictured in the Hayes guide.
Well, one brake job down now for the brakes on the other Explorer:(

I thought getting the fittings lose were the worst part. I had to remove the splash guard and still had **** for clearance to get the fittings loose. Couldn't see anything behind the damn spring seat

Yeah getting the fittings apart in that little space between the splash guard and the spring seat was fun. NOT!

Just replaced the driver side front brake hose this morning. I would have to say getting the clip off was the only tough part, but PB blaster makes everything easier. I tried some groove joint pliers at first and it just kept kinda spinning, which is good cause u wanna loosen up that clip. In the end after trying needle nose, I took a flat head screwdriver and wedged it in the bottom of the clip, and turned the screwdriver sideways to kinda pry open the clip a little. Started pushing up on the clip at the same time and was able to move the clip up. Then took the groove joint pliers from the top (because I have more clip to grab now) and was able to muscle it off finally. Prob spent 15 min just on the clip and went through some latex gloves. I highly recommend spraying all the line connections to the hose with PB the night before, and that clip. Bleeder too. Makes working in that small space so much easier when loosening those connections. Good luck!
