Front Brake sounds | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Brake sounds


November 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Stanardsville, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ford Explorer XLT
Read through dozens of threads on problems/noises coming from the front brakes and still can't determine what mine is... so far I replaced all front bearings, and brake pads... had rotors turned... and one caliper needed replacing... I think that the other one might now need to be replaced... also replaced the caliper guide pins... bottom line is that the drivers side ocassionally clips and pulls for a brief moment... at first thought it was the bearings, then the rotors, then the pads... had several problems with the same side... backside pad fell forward? then the guide pins started pulling out? replaced em... problem still exists? its not all the time... its only on occassion... I can't figure out why or when.... any suggestions?

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Maybe a collapsing flex line?

marragtop said:
Maybe a collapsing flex line?
How would I tell? And what do you mean? A collapsing brake line? Please explain. Also, I just picked up the new caliper. I am going to try that now. It seems like every now and then, the caliper suddenly sticks and then releases? What ever is going on, like I said I replaced the pads, bearings and caliper guide pins... not much else left which could be causing the problem... unless there is something that I am missing?

Don't forget that just beause it pull to the drivers side that it doesn't mean that its the drivers side causing the problem. If the problem is the passenger side isn't braking as hard as it should it will feel like it is pulling to the drivers side, when it actually the passenger side that is having the issue.

If the caliper is sticking you will see one brake pad worn down more than the other (inside pad wears faster on a brake with a sticking caliper)..

If the slide pins are coming out, then they are very old (collapsed) or you put them in upside down (I've done that before)..


It sounds like the calipers might be bad. Replace both of them, or you might still have the same problem with your vehicle pulling to one side. Use a brake pad anti squeel adhesive on the back of the pads. I also recommend either the Wagner SX series severe duty semi metallic pads, or the Performance Friction carbon metallic pads.

The piston inside the caliper could be sticking as well. They can get lodged sideways and cause it to stick.

I've tried so many different things... I am now going to replace the caliper tonight... and going to attempt to add some anti-squeel adhesive... I will let you know what the end result is...

Totally found out what the problem was... inside front drivers side bearing was all jacked up... it was no longer sealed in the backside of the rotor... and it had heated up so bad that the bottom of the bearing case was heated to the spindle... I had to take the spindle off the car and bring it to a machine shop to have them remove it... The bearings were so gunked up they looked like coffee grounds mixed with wet mud... and most of the actual bearings were burned, broken or cracked... it was bad.. I also had a stripped ABS Sensor screw...

New question - anyone know where to get this screw? it is the main screw that holds the ABS sensor to the spindle? the head is a 6mm hex head... no idea on the thread size... a 6mm socket fit the hex head... I could end up reusing it if need be... went to all of the part stores and to the junk yard... it wasn't worth their time to get me the new bolt...

Try Lowes if you have one near you, when we have needed bolts for our truck we go there and get grade 8 bolts.

KBoomBoxx said:
Totally found out what the problem was... inside front drivers side bearing was all jacked up... it was no longer sealed in the backside of the rotor... and it had heated up so bad that the bottom of the bearing case was heated to the spindle... I had to take the spindle off the car and bring it to a machine shop to have them remove it... The bearings were so gunked up they looked like coffee grounds mixed with wet mud... and most of the actual bearings were burned, broken or cracked... it was bad.. I also had a stripped ABS Sensor screw...

New question - anyone know where to get this screw? it is the main screw that holds the ABS sensor to the spindle? the head is a 6mm hex head... no idea on the thread size... a 6mm socket fit the hex head... I could end up reusing it if need be... went to all of the part stores and to the junk yard... it wasn't worth their time to get me the new bolt...

Thank you to all who replied... changed the front and rear bearings, repacked em with a friend who knows what he is doing and changed out the caliper... like I already said, the backside bearings were starting to go so bad that they fused themselves to the spindle... had to take it to a machine shop who cut the bottom bearing casing from the spindle... good to go... drove all day today with zero problems...
