Front Camber Adjustment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Camber Adjustment


December 30, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Gloucester, England
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer
Hello folks,

Gonna try not to make this an essay but need to tell the tale so to speak....

Ive just got myself a 98 Explorer uk spec, everything seems fine with it, just had new wheel bearings fitted in front and my usual mechanic pointed out the negative camber that is quite pronounced on the front wheels, and that he hasnt got the right equipment, and advised me to take it to a specialist like Protyre.
Now im no mechanic, and unfortunatly havent got a garage or the equipment or knowledge to even attempt to change it, soooo i take it along to Protyre in Gloucester, and after umming and arring, and pointing out the different wishbone set up on each side 1 and 2, which i believe is how it comes out of the factory??? The nice gentleman said in essence that although they have the gear, it would be too long a job for them to do, and i should take it to the Ford dealers!!! So after biting my toungue, and thinking ok , well if you dont want my business, and the business on my other car, and everyone else i talk to that i previously would have said go to Protyre! ( no probs in past u see!) I tootled up the road to Ford, where the service receptionist looked at me like i was speaking a different language when i said it was an Explorer, and then quoted me for a cam belt change?? :banghead: After explaining to a colleague, she advised me to go to the rapid fit centre, who advised me to go to................ ahem, Protyre!!!

Can anyone help me?? Is there anyone, in Gloucestershire here, who knows someone, or has an idea of somewhere who will have a look and hopefully correct my problem???

Thanks for anyones help, and look forward to being a regular poster :)


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You need a set of camber adjuster for each front wheel.. I believe ships to the UK, you can try them..

The camber is adjusted via 2 cam type washers mounted at the bolts for the upper wishbone. Not sure what the camber should be but maybe on the US site.

The stock arms have no adjustment therefore you do need to get the cams to adjust the camber.

The stock arms have no adjustment therefore you do need to get the cams to adjust the camber.

Hey Blee
Don't know if our UK spec explorers are different in this respect or whether its just mine had them fitted by a previous owner but my 98 has them. :salute:

isnt neg camber indicitive of worn ball joints on the explorer - I know that it was on mine at any rate!


Thanks for the feedback so far guys, I was under the impression it was adjustable on the UK spec 98 Explorer too?

I will have the ball joints checked, but it was just in for new wheel bearings and my mechanic says everything looked fine apart from the camber?

Think i need to do a bit of investigating....

After an email to Protyre head office Gloucester Branch rang me and are lookin into wether they can do it now aswell?? So fingers crossed!

On my 98 I had non adjustable camber and the two piece upper arm on the pass. side and a non adjustable arm on the driver's side. I had to replace the camber adjusters on both sides to get them adjustable.


The most common cause of excessive camber faults on for Explorers is the front ball joints.

Lower ball joint wear is a common fault on Ford Explorers and often goes unnoticed by MoT testers, who don't really know how to check them properly. If you car has the original Ford lower ball joints, then will probably need attention by now. A symptom of lower ball joint wear is that the front tyres wear on the inner edge.

The upper joints do wear, but not so commonly as the lower ones. Play can most easily be checked for by trying to move the top of the wheel away from and towards the body.

The upper ball joints differ in their design, with only the RH joint having any castor adjustment. I would reason that the cars are assembled and, this adjustment allows discrepancy in the fore-aft mounting points of the upper wisbone location points.

There are off-centre washers on the upper wishbone location bolts, but it is unlikely that these will have been adjusted, unless the upper wishbones have been replaced.


Thanks Duncan,

Im wondering now, as the previous owner has a reciept for work done last year, whch includes "New upper wishbone, new lower ball joint" Is it poss they havent fitted Adjusted properly??? I dont know??? :scratch:

Can i book it in for your expert eye??



<<Can i book it in for your expert eye?? >>

Yes, please call me on 07949 158239
Duncan Clarke
Ford Explorer Services and Parts

