Front end noise diagnosis; help needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front end noise diagnosis; help needed


Active Member
August 12, 2015
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1998 Ford Explorer 5.0
Hello everyone. Last week my Explorer started making this loud metallic noise in the front end. I replaced the drive cv axle and no change. I took the front diff out thinking that may be it but everything inside looks ok, no big metal peices, no worn gears. I then took the cover off the tcase as well and no carnage there either.
I don’t think this is a wheel bearing but maybe it is? It’s tight and has no play, seems to spin fine by hand as well. Hoping someone else has had a similar issue and can maybe point me in the right direction.
Here is the YouTube link since the video was too large to post here. It seems to get worse on turns, and when more load is applied such as when I apply the gas pedal more while going straight.

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I should add, the noise defintely seems to be coming from the front driver side.

Did you check HUD bearings

You changed the driver side CV axle? Or the driveshaft CV?

You changed the driver side CV axle? Or the driveshaft CV?
I replaced the driver side CV axle. I haven’t changed anything on the drive shaft.

I would check the CV joint on the shaft. To me, that sounds like CV popping. Doesn’t sound like a bearing of any sort, but I could be wrong.

I would check the CV joint on the shaft. To me, that sounds like CV popping. Doesn’t sound like a bearing of any sort, but I could be wrong.
I will check that out, I did notice the boot on the driveshaft where it goes into the tcase was torn. Otherwise I’m still not sure. But I will do more digging. I was expecting to find some kind of carnage somewhere.

If the boot is torn, it is done. That’s your noise.

Once the grease slings out, especially in the AWD models, it will eat itself

If the boot is torn, it is done. That’s your noise.

Once the grease slings out, especially in the AWD models, it will eat itself
I will look at it after work and update! Thank you for the help. I hope that’s it!

Well here’s what I found. The inside of the cv joint of the front driveshaft is pretty nasty and rusty. The ball bearings are dry and have lots of crud inside too. I’m guessing this was the issue. I’m going to replace the driveshaft along with some seals on the diff and tcase and go from there.

Lol yep, that’s your smoking gun

Well here’s what I found. The inside of the cv joint of the front driveshaft is pretty nasty and rusty. The ball bearings are dry and have lots of crud inside too. I’m guessing this was the issue. I’m going to replace the driveshaft along with some seals on the diff and tcase and go from there. View attachment 341626
Looks mint lol
Try some of the handy mans secret weapon ......duct tape .....
