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front fog lights


Active Member
June 27, 2009
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NortFace 2000 LPG
OK guys just wondering how do I switch on the front fog lights do they work off the rear light switch. Mine is a 2000 north face and it doesn't say anything in the handbook, I have tried this but no lights any help please.



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disconected mine a while ago,if i remember right you pull switch toward you once you turn lights on using same switch.if not someone will enlighten you soon no pun intended!

on my 98 sadly they only come on with full beam ..naff when its foggy really

That could be because they are not fog lights at all, but extra driving lamps that only come on with full beam.:D

on my 98 sadly they only come on with full beam ..naff when its foggy really

Same here, unless there's some nifty trick that i dont know about? Mine only come on when i put main beam on! :dunno:

That could be because they are not fog lights at all, but extra driving lamps that only come on with full beam.

That'll be why then..... :confused:

would have been nice to have em come on with the rear fog,s though...
they light the side,s up nice when u can see naff all ..:)

front fog/extra driving lamps

i was about to ask the same question i too couldnt find the switch i have however found the glass on one to be broken so does anyone have one i could buy or do i trawl the scrappys. cheers guys

As You have a 98 with the square lamps you can get some generic ones from Halfords. They are made by Ring and they even fit the rear parts so all you have to do is change the fronts. A bit of wiring required to change the earth connector to a large spade and you are set to go.


cheers for that im going to inverness saturday so i will pick a pair up ta for that.

Cheers guys never noticed on full beam!

I believe there is a fix to make them turn on with regular beam, its written on this forum, just cant remember whats its called?

Presumably the modification to make the driving lights come on with the dipped beam, would be to wire them with a relay into the dipped beam wire. Essentially the opposite of wiring additional driving lights into the high beam wire.

The only thing is that if you need to turn them off you can't, so a switch would be useful i would of thought.

Nice set of comprehensive answers here guys - thanks to all. I was goign to ask about replacing the driving lamps on mine (after I found out that's what they were!) and it's all here.

One thing I do find interesting is that I'm sure as driving lamps they're actually illegal too - if I remember rightly - "lamps mounted below two feet may only be used in conditions of fog or falling snow....."

Anyway, I must look up the ones Howard mentions because mine have a serious attack of reflector crust!

I'm seriouly thinking of fitting 100W xenons in them too. I've recently fitted what I thought was a nice HID kit but the beam shape is abysmal! I get a great view of both hedges but f...all on the road ahead. Be warned!

Before anybody mentions it, they ARE properly aligned so I can only assume that the reflector/lens combination isn't up to much. Anyway, as I'm now only running 35W mains, I can afford 100W auxiliaries (lol). Should fill in nicely I hope.

iv converted all my front lights to HiDs inc the fogs, after that i can light the whole lane nearly a mile long and in stunning touch of blue tint.

Blimey, I have not even checked if mine work and I have a Northface also...hmmmmmm. This week I have to change my thermostate- as I am colder than a witches tit every day now! Then fix the heater resistors, Dang I have had no heat at all for ages, cept for the heated seats!
Problem has been time, so busy at the moment.

Another North Face.......how the other half live!

Oh well, back to cattle class..... (lol!)

Anyway, back to the serious stuff - SB98 - I want light like yours, they make mine look feeble. Did you change the complete assembly? Yours look like clear lenses and I'm sure I'm losing out in the beam shape dept. Maybe we should get them side by side next time I'm down your way and see how much better yours are.

What power are thay btw? I've got 35W bi-xenons and I think they're pretty well installed though I will check the return resistances this weekend in case the earths aren't that good.

I'm convinced it's more to do with the lenses as they give a fabulous spread and view of the hedges. Thing is I want to see the road!!
