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Frustrated Explorerfan2011


New Member
March 26, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
San Antonio, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT 202A
Is it just me? Has the lack of good viable information concerning all the "awaiting shipment" dates been discerning and very frustrating. Dealer says one thing, Ford Rep says another, this forum says something completely different. At all ends, the fact remains my vehicle is still "awaiting shipment."

Yeah, I could abandon the Ford Explorer for a Durango or 4Runner or something along those lines, but I want my damn Explorer.

Build date 3/4, paint color = white suede (I hear they are having shortages of Paint due to Earthquake in Japan), 4 ETAs later and still awaiting shipment.

And the prices just went up for the same spec and model in my area, what is the deal?

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maybe try to pick something up from the dealer lot? That's what I did and I got the vehicle almost exactly as I wanted it...

The problem I have is that there is only one dealer lot local, 30 miles to the next and 250 miles to the city that has more than one. I send out emails with no responses back, everyone must be getting MSRP or just do not want to sell.


The problem I have is that there is only one dealer lot local, 30 miles to the next and 250 miles to the city that has more than one. I send out emails with no responses back, everyone must be getting MSRP or just do not want to sell.


that sucks, the dealer about 1 mile here from work shows 18 vehicles in stock/transit!

I thought about going to the different dealers and looking for something similar but my two "must haves" are totally screwing me!!! I've searched up and down California and I think I found 2 vehicles with the buckets seats but not in the color I want. I would gladly "lose" the $500 incentives if I could just get my car NOW! UGH, so frustrating!

I thought about going to the different dealers and looking for something similar but my two "must haves" are totally screwing me!!! I've searched up and down California and I think I found 2 vehicles with the buckets seats but not in the color I want. I would gladly "lose" the $500 incentives if I could just get my car NOW! UGH, so frustrating!

I tried the same thing here in San Diego. Couldn't find an Explorer with 4WD for under $47,000 everything I found was 2wd. And most of those were pre-orders. I'm happy to say I finally got a build date.

Glad to hear you got a build date WDinSD! I hope the process goes smoothly from here on out for you. I have a contact at another dealer that is trying to locate a Sterling Gray Limited with the captain seats. Fingers crossed!!! She'll probably find one the day mine ships! LOL!

Hey guys,

I can definitely see how this would be frustrating, and I would like to lend a hand to help. If you haven’t done so already, please send a private message with your VIN or dealer name & order number, then I can keep you updated with your order status.


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