fuel pump driver module location? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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fuel pump driver module location?


September 4, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Centereach, new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT
my 2004 explorer is throwing code p1233 which read as the fuel pump driver module. any one know where its located?

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my 2004 explorer is throwing code p1233 which read as the fuel pump driver module. any one know where its located?

did you found out location of fuel pump driver module?

Yes the fpdm is located on the passenger side behind the interior trim in the cargo area (where the third row is located) pretty much behind the rear passengers taillight. If you remove the interior trim panel you'll see it bolted (one 10mm bolt,and two wire harness clips) just below the taillight bolts. I'll post pics tomorrow.

Did you have problems with the fuel pump fuse (20A #26 fuse) blowing prior to seeing the code for the FPDM?

fuel pump wireing diagram. anyone have one?

i could really use help with my 2002 explorer fuel pump. I cant get power to the pump and i replaced the fuses and the relay and still no power the pump i need a schematic or diagram of the wireing can some one help me, or email it to me at mbalogh@sbcglobal.net thanks

Thanks forestgreengt for the diagrahm

i could really use help with my 2002 explorer fuel pump. I cant get power to the pump and i replaced the fuses and the relay and still no power the pump i need a schematic or diagram of the wireing can some one help me, or email it to me at mbalogh@sbcglobal.net thanks

Have you checked the Fuel Shut-off Inertia Switch? If it trips, no power to pump. If switch is not tripped, let us know. I can scan the electrical schematic and post it. imp

Have a 2001 ford sport trac have replaced two fuel pumps.Pressure good for 2 months and then drops to 40 psi check engine light comes on and codes banks 1 and 2 running lean. Replaced cats also.

Need help. After 2 months with new fuel pump on 2001 sport trac fuel pressure drops to 40psi then codes bank 1 and 2 running lean comes on.replaced cats and run new ground wire to fuel pump.engine runs but no power.

Need help. After 2 months with new fuel pump on 2001 sport trac fuel pressure drops to 40psi then codes bank 1 and 2 running lean comes on.replaced cats and run new ground wire to fuel pump.engine runs but no power.
Did you replace your sending unit also? Are the fuel lines that come off the pump output leaking fuel back into the tank while under pressure?

Need help. After 2 months with new fuel pump on 2001 sport trac fuel pressure drops to 40psi then codes bank 1 and 2 running lean comes on.replaced cats and run new ground wire to fuel pump.engine runs but no power.

@darrell milgrim Was the fuel filter replaced? New pumps are capable of producing more volume flow across a partially-clogged filter, then lose efficiency after while. If you could measure it, you might see 20 psi of pressure existing across the fuel filter. imp

Replaced fuel filture both times when they replaced fuel pump.Ford dealer told me yesterday that my sport trac did not have fuel pump driver module on it. The only part I have not replaced is fuel damper that is on fuel rail behind coil pack.

Yes the fpdm is located on the passenger side behind the interior trim in the cargo area (where the third row is located) pretty much behind the rear passengers taillight. If you remove the interior trim panel you'll see it bolted (one 10mm bolt,and two wire harness clips) just below the taillight bolts. I'll post pics tomorrow.

Did you ever post a pic I can't find mine

I have a 2003 Ford explorer limited. I think I'm having the same issue with the fuel pump driver module, but cannot find anything about where it is located. I have a speaker in the back cargo space where I've seen all the videos say that's where it is. My suv will start and then after about 10 second will just shut off. I replaced the fuel pump 4 years ago (so that shouldn't be the problem), and it turns on, but it doesn't stay running. My uncle had the same issue with his Ford flex, so we think the control/driver module is the issue.
Anyone know where it's supposed to be on a 2003 limited?
