Fuel rail pressure sensor A circuit high input | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel rail pressure sensor A circuit high input

Swamp Fox

Well-Known Member
March 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Pee Dee Region - SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 XLT 4WD K-flex 4.0 V6
Would really appreciate a little experience on this one guys. My wife was on the way home in our '04 Ex K-flex V6 and a service soon light came up. She told me the guy at Advance read that it was - "Fuel rail pressure sensorA circuit high input". Now she went to the local Ford dealership and they told her it was an indicator that the fuel pump was on the way out. I'm a little wary that they may just be fishing for the most expensive repair but it could be true. Someone else said they replaced the sensor and then later the fuel pump went out. So is there a voice of experience here who has dealt with this and can give sound advice. The last thing I want is my wife to be stranded somewhere but on the other hand the repair was quoted almost $700. Help! Thanks in advance.

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Fuel rail pressure sensor is bad common on 4.0L It is located on the fuel rail under the driver side of the intake manifold.

Thanks for the info. Just wondered if there is the possibility the fuel pump may indeed may be on the way out. The truck runs great though. Just don't want a failure to happen while on the road in a bad area.

Fuel pumps just stop working. There is no real way that I know of to see if they are on their way out.

Thought so. It sounded like the dealership pumping for the most expensive repair.
