Garrett .42/48 for 4.0 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Garrett .42/48 for 4.0

4.0 Turbonetics t62 discussion

what do you guys think? too small? just right?

looking for 5-6 psi out of it. should spool up super fast thats for sure, esp with my 10:1 compression ratio. i have a chance to get this turbo for $45. yay? or nay?
No longer going to run the tiny turbo, so discussion will change to this t62 .63/.48 turbo

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Copy that, just thinking out loud haha

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what you guys think about just running the turbo off the passenger side? then connecting the drives side exhaust into the downpipe of the turbo? that a bad idea? im thinking this might give me a bit longer spool which ill probably want with the smaller hotside without getting a bigger one.


----> My thoughts......Ummm, that would be a "HELL NO! What are you thinking?" You never want to unevenly load the exhaust on your engine like that.

Okay ya that's what I figured it would cause an uneven load. 10-4! Lol

----> My thoughts......Ummm, that would be a "HELL NO! What are you thinking?" You never want to unevenly load the exhaust on your engine like that.

Haha...Yap, I'm thinking that would make the truck pull to the left.

haha funny funny

good news! ive got a friend with a 2.3T ranger that wants a quicker spool, has the same turbo i have just with the .63 hot side, so we are going to trade! the .63 should work perfect for my setup and the .48 on his

also ordered some piping for my header, need to find a place that will cut me a header flange so i can start welding it up

also finally got someone to buy that little garrett, for a go cart lol

Those are sohc, I have ohv


this is the map of the turbonetics compressor, will def get the flow i need for good efficiency!

anybody know what rebuild kit i'd need for a turbonetics stage 3 t62-1?

anybody know what rebuild kit i'd need for a turbonetics stage 3 t62-1?

Contact the guys at G Pop Shop. They may have a kit or have some insight on one for your turbo. Allot of different brands of similar sized turbos use similar or the same center sections, usually Garrett made, and can use the same rebuild kits. I have only rebuilt Garrett turbos though so I am not 100% on the Turbonetics.

ok thanks man ill check that out!

did some work today


i suppose ill add something to this thread too... haha

i sold the turbonetics turbo i bought, kinda put the turbo project on hold when i lost my job. Then the longing for more power came again when it started getting nice outside, and i wanted something cheap and easy.. so a friend of mine gave me his nitrous kit for an i owe you, once i had the funds.

So... i've been running a 75 shot on my already 191rwhp 4.0 ohv, which is super fun and impresses a lot of people.

Then.. i replaced my front timing cover and front main seal due to some leaking i had up front. just my luck, i ended up cracking the oil pan somehow when i was putting it back together. Ended up tearing the motor back out, installing a sohc pan that i had sitting, painting the motor, and reinstalling. Now that it's all back together, and the fact that im busting my ass working three jobs, the boost project is definitely up in my mind again. Once i have the funds i might just try to score a paxton s/c kit off my buddy. Not that i wont due the turbo someday, it's just too much fab for me to have time with right now. That, and i dont want to rush that project and i feel like doing it now, i just dont have time.

anyways... my truck, in all of it's daily driver glory, is running a consistent 15.5 in the quarter with the nitrous.. which is slow for what's done to it, but my truck is more setup for turning fast than a 1/4 drag. it's fun to know what it'll run though.

picture of what the motor looks like now

