Gas mileage. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gas mileage.


New Member
December 27, 2009
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City, State
Greenville SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 B3000
Have a 2002 mazada B3000 truck. it has a 3.0 v6. Would like to get better gas mileage. The only thing that I have change is the air filter. I'm now using a K&N air filter. Is there any thing or things that would help? :usa:

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Increase the tire pressure 5 psi over factory recommendations and be gentle with your right foot.:D

how many miles are on your spark plugs ? your plug wires cap and rotor ? if alot then replaceing them will help alot. i have a 92 explorer with a 4 liter in it and i just changed the plugs and put a cold air on it and im getting about 22 mpg now i need to buy new wires and cap and rotor soon though.... also there is a bottle of lucas oil gas treatment at walmart for 10 bucks that treats up to 100 gallons of gas and it helps to i buy it once in a while when i got the money. the tire pressure thing works good to i keep mine 5 psi over the recomended and it helps about 1-2 mpg more.... let me know if this helps you

i dont beleive air filters actually work ford puts tons of money everyyear into trying to add better fuel milage and i bet they have tried an air filter, same thing with people who say they got 3 more mpg from switching to senthetic oil, tire pressure help, drive slower, on the interstate draft behind a semi
