Gauging Interest: Selling my System | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gauging Interest: Selling my System


Explorer Addict
November 27, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Geneva, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Subaru Impreza WRX STi
Well guys, unfortunately I received a call yesterday from my co-op employer... I was told that, effective immediately, the co-op program has been eliminated, leaving me without a job.

Now, This is simply a "would you be interested" thread. I have approximately 2 months to find another job before things start getting bad. I need a co-op job in order to pay for school.

If I cannot find one, I believe I will be selling my system.

Would anyone be interested in buying it? I will sell as much of it as desired, up to and including the 200 amp alternator and even the wiring. Subs, box, amp, false floor setup, components, and kickpanel enclosures are a definite.

Price is based on what you want.

I paid about $3500 for everything, I am thinking $1700 for the subs, amps (The component speaker amp does not work, but Audiobahn will replace it if you pay about $50 - I just have not gotten around to it.), components, kickpanels, box, false floor setup, and cap. I'll throw in the 200 amp. alternator (still under warranty) for another $150 if you provide me with a working stock alternator, be it 90 or 130 amp. 1/0, 4, and 8 gauge wiring, along with all plugs, fuses, and connectors, is yours for another $75 (Cost me a little over $300).

I have had this system in my truck for about 8 months now and it sounds great. Has not been abused, but I have cranked it up periodically just to see what it can do. Everything still works perfectly except for the component amp, which Audiobahn will replace.

Pics can be found in my sig.

Again, this is just a guaging interest thread. My system is not officially for sale yet, and it may not even end up being for sale in the future. I just want to know if anyone would consider buying it if given the chance.

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sorry to hear it man, if I lost my job right now i'd start sellin body parts rather than parting out my truck!!

I'd take the 200 amp alt, components, tweets but thats all i could prob afford, i could trade my stock 130 amp alt. just a thought. I couldn't afford the whole system, though i'd love to have it.

again sorry to be like a vulture or anything, your system rocks, and hopefully your job comes through!

oh man.. that sucks... we almost have identical systems too. hope everything works out and you can keep everything. good luck

Originally posted by davesexplorer2
sorry to hear it man, if I lost my job right now i'd start sellin body parts rather than parting out my truck!!

Believe me, if eBay let you sell organs, I'd have a kidney and part of my liver up for auction right now. :p


how about that amp rack and false floor only?


sucks man, I've already got as much if not more... only thing I'm really interested in is the amp rack (already have a false floor, but i'd have to get urs too if I got the amp rack)...

I suggest you find a local explorer owner, and sell it from there, save u a ton on shipping.

id be interested in the components, wiring, amp... if you want to give me a possible price if you decide to sell, ill set it aside for a month or so... sorry to hear about your situation man
