gen 2 euro tail | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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gen 2 euro tail

A few months back someone posted info on the upcoming 91-94, 95-97 and a NEW 98-01 euro tails being produced. They had linked a site (not that had pics of the GEN 2 98-01. my comp crashed and i lost all my favorite places. does anyone have any idea what the site it?

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Sure, I got a site where they sell Generation 2 and I think Generation 2 Carbon Fiber Taillights. Check it out, it's , trust me I've ordered from them and they're very punctual on sending things, any other things, I'll try to help out. ;o)

oooo i like the gunmetal ones. does anyone know how they look on the truck? i don't want to ruin the rounded look of the back.

those are pretty sweet...but does anyone know if they make em for the 95' X it would be cool if you could leave a website or somethin...thanks in advance..

Thanks for the link, now you've got me interested...

Sure no problem, I hope I've helped, any other websites that I find out of, I'll let you know about them. ;o)
