Got a '87 sammy from the auto swap this weekend! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got a '87 sammy from the auto swap this weekend!

You can fit 32's with just a spring over and no blocks. I have the Rocky Road reinforced spring perches welded to my front axles and the 32's fit. I did have to go with a 2.25" offset 15 x 8 rim though. You will need a driveshaft spacer, which you can get from Rocky Road Outfitters. I think I'm running either a 3/4" or 1" spacer. If you still have the stock front bumper, you will have to ditch it and cut off the bumper support tubes to run 32's. As Tom said about the steering, I'd bet it's got some sort of Z link steering. Rip that off and go with a RRO Stage 1 over the top steering. Gets all the steering stuff up and out of the way with no bump steer.

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tdavis said:
Were exactly is this POS at? (sorry)

welding blocks in the front is a no-no.

It's easy to fix the front - YJ springs, shackle reversal, about $100 in parts. With that, you can easily fit 33's. A little more work, and 35's (but I wouldn't do that on a zuk axle and expect it to live)

The rear isn't much more work. Does it even run? Do I need to come down with the F250/trailer, haul it up here and fix the suspension?

It's also probably got a z-link - or some *******ized version of it. Bump steer city with that.

LOL! The POS is in Turlock (close to Modesto).

So the blocks are bad. That is good to know.

Yes it runs. Its still registered in the owners name and it does't have insurance. The reg expires in May.

Would you be willing to help fix this thing Tom? Seriously?

I think I need to buy a digital camera so I can take pics and post. I think it would make things clearer.

tom.. can you help me with a cage too? i'm just east a few miles. bring your bender? :D

jasonb said:
tom.. can you help me with a cage too? i'm just east a few miles. bring your bender? :D

Sure, you pay for the gas, and steel. Tube, not pipe, ok?

Turlock? Why does your profile say Santa Cruz then Derrick?

It's a day or two of work to fix the suspension.

I need to see what was done to this poor, innocent victim zuk..

tdavis said:
Sure, you pay for the gas, and steel. Tube, not pipe, ok?

Turlock? Why does your profile say Santa Cruz then Derrick?

It's a day or two of work to fix the suspension.

I need to see what was done to this poor, innocent victim zuk..

Cause Santa Cruz is home, I just hate saying I live in Turlock.

I will take some more pics and send them in and get them put on disc so I can post them. Then hopefully everyone can get a better idea of what setup is.

How much would you think the parts for a roll cage would cost?

Fully caged - 4 sticks of 1.5/.120 wall, if the factory hoop is reused, 5 sticks if a new hoop is desired. Just caging the front half like I did, that cuts a stick out of it.

Tubing is horribly expensive in the bay area right now - my first estimate is $60/stick from the place I normally get steel from. Given enough time, I could find someone on pirate4x4 who could get a better price for it.

tdavis said:
Fully caged - 4 sticks of 1.5/.120 wall, if the factory hoop is reused, 5 sticks if a new hoop is desired. Just caging the front half like I did, that cuts a stick out of it.

Tubing is horribly expensive in the bay area right now - my first estimate is $60/stick from the place I normally get steel from. Given enough time, I could find someone on pirate4x4 who could get a better price for it.

If you can get a better price, that would be great but I understand why its expensive and if I have to pay $60 a stick then so be it. I just don't want to inconvience you. So what ever is easiest Tom.

Just picked up another Zuk. I believe its an '87 with a '88 motor for $600. I have a small issue with the carb. I was told there is a solinoid that needs to be changed or something?? I guess when it gets warm it doesn't like to start and something about when it revs over 3000 rpms. Drove it home, well almost made it home. Not sure if the carb was acting up or I was out of gas (the gas guage doens't seem to work).
