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Granatelli MAF Install

There is no separate IAT probe. It must be built into the MAF,

Mindat I shall cakk Granatelli.

Any other ideas?

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Originally posted by aldive
Mindat I shall cakk Granatelli.

????? :confused:

(I know waht you meant, but it was rather funny.)

I am from Georgia, therefore, illerate in typen.....


i have installed a saleen, a pro-m, and a granatelli mass air sensor on different 5.0 explorers with no problems whatsoever. i would recommend the granatelli or the pro-m (the granatelli for a stock motor or the pro-m for more modified trucks because you can go larger) to anyone. don't get the saleen one unless you can get it for dirt cheap (i bought one for a friend on ebay for less than 30 dollars).

as for that code- i've thrown it before and for me it was that the one wire was disconnected as discussed before. make sure everything is connected tightly and then if it doesn't work call granatelli.

some 99-up ford 6-wire MAF's from ford had a built in IAT. If that is the case, you will have to splice in a seperate IAT sensor to the two outer MAF wires if you want to keep the new air meter.

Well with the help of Brian ( Apton chips ), we were avle to determine that I do indeed have the six wire connector ansd an IAT sensor built in to the stock MAF.

In the photo, the wire to the right is the IAT sensor.

I am going to add an IAT sensor to the intake tube and splice it into the harness.


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Got the separate IAT sensor ( # ) today, as well as the rubber grommet for the installation into the intake tube.

Only problem is that I need the connector for the end of the IAT sensor. Any ideas where to get one?


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let me see if I can lookup a part number for the connector. Most people just clip away some of the black plastic around the connector housing, directly solider two wires to the contacts, and then wrap some black electrical tape around it.


I had thought of that, but would rather use a connector if possible, Thanks again, my friend.

I decided to do what Brian ( ) recommended and mount another IAT sender in the intake tube,

I went to Ford and got an IAT sender (F57Z-12A697-A). Then went to the hardware store and purchased several ¾” rubber grommets ( extras in case of a screw up ).

I put the IAT sender in my bench vise and with a hacksaw, gently cut away the housing for the male plugs. Next I soldered 2 leads of 16g wire to the w male pins on the plug. Heat shrink tubing covered the exposed joints.

First I disconnected the negative battery cable. Then I removed the intake tube from the truck and at the previously selected location, drilled a ¾” hole in the tube. I de-burred the hole ( be careful drilling into rubber; its not easy to get that perfect hole ) and glued ( super glue ) the rubber grommet in place The IAT sender was installed.. The intake tube was then reinstalled to the MAF and the TB on the truck.

Then I cut the two outside wires on the stock MAF plug. I then soldered the wires (2) from the IAT sender to the cut wires and sealed with heat shrink tubing ( polarity is on no concern here ). I reconnected the battery.

I did a scan with my OBD II scanner to be sure the code was cleared. Then I cranked the truck and looked for the infamous CEL while monitoring the IAT with my scanner. The IAT was reading 84 F ( today’s ambient temperature ) and NO CEL light. Mission accomplished.

The time for this modification was about 1 hour. Cost was $34.95 for the IAT sender at the local Ford store ( Torrie has em at Ford Parts Network {} for $19.95; I just was too impatient to wait on the project )

Thanks again Brian for your assistance.


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Sender with wires soldered on


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Sender mounted in air tube


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