Grease Fittings Not Accepting Grease | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Grease Fittings Not Accepting Grease


Well-Known Member
August 5, 2016
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99 Mountaineer 5.0 RWD
So I installed a new front suspension over the weekend and had it aligned on Monday. So now uppers, lowers and tie rod ends have grease fittings but when I hook up my "new" (was in box when I took it out to use it) grease gun it pumps grease out but the connector on the gun seems to be broken.. So I think?

I can easily slide the fitting on the grease gun on and off without having to tighten the fitting down on the gun itself. I take it as a sign of a bad gun connector right? Because also when I pump the gun the grease comes out but doesn't go threw the fitting but out the side and just goes on top of the joint of whatever I am trying to grease. These are new parts and fittings so nothing is clogged or old.

Should I go buy anther gun? I think I sall they sell the hoses at the auto parts store.. Should I buy one of those? I don't know if I should buy a new one or what..

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I'm not clear on exactly what you mean. It might help if we had pictures or a link to what you have. Are you stating that the grease gun parts do not fit together properly or has some kind of defect?

Ironically when I bought mine years ago, I vaguely recall that mine came with the wrong parts. I meant it looked like someone had taken two different models' parts out of their boxes at the auto parts store and when they put all the parts back they had mixed a couple up and what I bought, didn't appear to assemble together correctly. I wish I could be more specific but this was very long ago.

A hose can be a very good accessory for a grease gun. I always use one, can't even tell you what grease fittings "need" it to get the right angle of attack since I never use the original straight/bent threaded pipe that came with mine.

This might be a silly question but have you ever used a grease gun before? You have to forcibly snap the coupler onto the grease zerk fitting. Is it the wrong size coupler, too small so it won't go on, or too large so it won't hold on tight while pumping the grease?

I got it figured out. No I have not used one before but understand how they work. Mine is defected some way.

The coupler will not stay on the zerk fitting if it is not at an upward 90 degree angle. If it reashes a 45 degree angle it will come off the zerk fitting. Now If I hold the coupler on the fitting at the correct angle and pump, it will force grease into the fitting but a little will still come out the top and down the side of the zerk fitting.

So I guess mine is defective but I did get it to work and all my joints with some grease. But unfortunately my new right side upper control arm boot has a hole in it. Now I have to deal with trying to get anther boot for it. Its one of the "Moog proboem slover" upper control arms with the boot thats plastic like and snaps on. So I dont think I will be able to use an old style boot which sucks. Now I have to go threw a rockauto order deal.

^ BIG +1. Popped upper and lower boots by overfilling with the suspension unloaded on jack stands. Big mistake, and very easy to overfill, even with the tires on the ground. Boots not sold separately, and was fortunate to find "no box" Moog K80012 upper and K8695T lower replacements cheap on eBay. Sickening to hear a loud pop when lowering the truck. Never again.

The hole in mine going is horizontal, Seems to have broken at the seem(They are plastic like and squared off as it steps down to the smaller diameter) or punctured with something like a Flathead cause grease comes out it in a sheet like paste when pumped. Was not on my end. I ordered from RockAuto so they have a 12month/36K warranty. I bought about 4 months ago, just put them on now. They want me to send the whole part back or pay $60 bucks for a new one just to switch the boot.

I loaded them with the truck on the ground, I filled them till I sall the inside move but nothing more then that.

That sucks. Did you have it aligned after replacing UCA's? Problem with removing upper control arms is it almost always throws off camber and caster to some degree. Obviously, the easy fix is removing the pinch bolt and replacing the damaged boot. I sent pics of my lowers with an explanation and copy of my receipt direct to Moog customer service a few years ago, and they sent two complete ball joints within a week. Be nice, may be worth a try. Good luck. Form

Your grease gun is defective. The tip should snap on to the zerk fitting securely and should not leak. If you're having trouble getting the angle right, buy a flexible hose to replace the ridged metal one that comes on most grease guns.

BTW, The boots on the upper/lower ball joints that came on the Moog Problem Solvers bj's I installed on my '01 EB in 2012 had little grease relief nipples/valves that prevented you from overfilling the boots. I don't know if they're still made that way, but you had to be careful not to have the nipples/valves pointed at your brake rotors. I think those boots were blue.

Most grease guns that I have have adjustable ends. You can turn the end to make it snap tighter or looser on the zerk.

Yeah its aligned and everything is setup. So yeah I am just probably gonna go threw the refund process on rock auto pay the $60 for the new UCA, When it gets here take the boot from the new one. unbolt the pinch bolt and sway the boot and then send it back for the refund. Sucks I have to do that but RockAuto did not want to work with me at all with that. I tried calling today and the guy got super defensive, when I asked for a supervisor he said hed have one call me, more then likely just liked. Horrible cusomter service if you ask me.

The grease gun I have does have a flexible rubber house with the adjustable end to make it bigger or smalled. Mine is just broken. I am guessing. Mine did not have a grease relief valve. Just the standard upward zerk fitting with the black plastic like boot that literally snaps on. I did go up to the auto part store because the LCA didn't come with them. So now they all have them. Sucks I have the one hole in the one boot.
