Grille Guard 92-94 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Grille Guard 92-94 explorer


Active Member
July 26, 2003
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94 XLT
If anyone has a picture of there grille guard (not grill billets) on there 92-94 explorer please post a picture. I'm looking to buy one and I want to see if any of them look appealing. Please don't send pictures of grill guards that aren't installed on the car. Thanks.

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I will have mine on in a week if you would like to wait I will post some pics of it.

Here you are.....
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hey jaws, how'd you get that to work with the BL?

thanks for the pics guys, I'm gonna get the one that jaws has, i think its the same one on right? Anyway I'll get it soon, I've mounted 4 squard lights on top, and ill get two more for the grill guard. My 5.5" suspension will be done soon, with my new BFG Mud Terrains 33x12.5. PICTURES TO COME!
