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GW National Forest

i am still hoping that i can make it. still have no electrical current in the truck. goin to work on it today and tomorrow and try to get her runnin again. if not i may have to sit this one out...

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Truck got towed away, hope its back by this evening so i can wheel tomorrow...

Who is still in? Corey? Unclemeat?

yeh, im always up for an offroading trip...this is just bad timing, after january is fine as ever

Yes I am still planning on being there.

Check that, McDorman's is on the left side if you are heading west on route 33...

I am still gonna be there too... might have to leave around 2 so I can get some project work done for one of my classes, but the truck is back and I am ready to roll tomorrow!

Okay, this sucks. I've been sick all week and the past two days have been awful. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it or not. I'm gonna wake up early in the morning and see how I feel. I'll post if I'm gonna make it.

Damn I hope I feel better because I've been looking foward to this.

im gonna be there, i'll meet ya at the store, im not hunting in the mornin.


I will be there. I will be monitoring channel 5. I have to go cause if I stay home I will just work and I am, tired of working.

2:00 is OK, that way I can drive home in the light.

Ibufrofen and suedoepherdrine, it wont cure you but it may make possible for you to function. I am just getting over that damn cold.

The Official Photo and Write Up Post

Had a great time with you guys today! Here are some pics of the fun...






If you guys have any pics you want me to host, e-mail or IM them to me and I'll get them up here...

Big time fun, I can't wait for the next trip!

sorry guys

I really wish I could have made it, but at 6am yesterday morning I had a fever of 103.9. :eek: My body ached so bad I didn't even get off the couch the entire day. :(
This morning it's only 99.9 after taking some Tylenol. If only that drop would have came a day sooner I could've made it. :mad:

My Jeeper friend, Rick, was pretty dissappointed too. He spent all day Friday doing some work to his Jeep to get it ready. He's been waiting for a chance to school me now that he has his lift and tires. :rolleyes: :D

Its alright man. We're already planning another run in January...

def. a nice trip, everyone who backed out def missed out.. but i got the pics/videos on cd so get hold of me and ill meet up with u all.

ps the raider is a beast

I should have went anyway. We ended up losing our championship game 19-12. Tough fought game, but it happens. We still go into the city tournament as a number 2 seed. Tourny starts Tuesday. Wish us luck, go Rockets!

That would be second mountain trail, about a mile or two off Route 33. You really need to see the video.

i got the videos up loaded... if u send me ur email addresses ill try to send them, but its a long video so im not sure if it will work... but yeah the video is pretty hot

Hokie said:
which trail is that raider swimming in?

....and whos Raider is it?

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That was one of the James Madison boys, I recal his name. That mudhole was the one that was blocked off with the rocks on Second Mountian Trail. That is the spot that we were going to stop and play. The Radier had to change his oil after that mudhole, because water flooded the crankcase.

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