hard vibration coming from the front wheel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hard vibration coming from the front wheel


New Member
October 24, 2011
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stp mn
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 exlorer xlt 4.6
Im not only new to this forum, im also new to ford vehicles. i've always been a chevy guy but after a week of driving my 4.6 2006 xlt, i may never go back.
For some reason when im driving down the road at about 43-50 mph im getting a Intermittent hard vibration coming from the front passenger side tire. it doesn't do it when im braking or when im not driving in the the 43-50 mph range. it only vibrates for like 3 or 4 seconds at a time, and it does it every 30 seconds or so. any ideas on what it may be?

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Well these year Explorers go through front hub/bearing assembly's pretty frequently. I just had both fronts changed at 45kmi. If bad enough they can cause a shake. Other than that I would check your tie-rods and ball joints for play.

What part of the country are you in? In winters past I have accumulated sand in the rim which puts it out of balance, and it can vibrate. Sounds too early in the winter for that though.

I would think you would hear some noise with bad bearings. Sounds like a balance problem to me, but the intermittent part doesn't make sense. It almost sounds like something rolling around inside the tire which occasionally gets to the right/wrong spot for a short time.

i live in minnesota. we haven't had much snow here this year and they dont use a lot of sand. im going to take the wheel off next week and see if i can find anything.

Im still having the problem, but i've discovered that if i shut the o/d off when im driving between 40-50 mph it doesn't vibrate. as soon as i turn it back on it starts again. once my taxes come back, im going to bring it in

Could be auto 4x4 engaging. You could try hitting the 4x4 high, while going in a straight line, and see if the vibration comes back.

Let me know what the issue was. I have a 2007 and it is doing the same vibration that you explained. I have not tried turning off the OD when driving, but will tomorrow.
