Harmonic Balancer problem? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Harmonic Balancer problem?


September 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
greenfield, mn
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 xlt
:(I just installed an '06 ranger motor in my 99explorer. Now I have a vibration that shakes the interior moderatly when I accelerate through the gears. I noticed that the pully on the harmonic balancer is not true, like the rubber has been compressed on one side and not the other,
has anyone seen this before or had this problem? If so, is the 99 balancer the same?

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The '99 Balancer will work. I used my '97 balancer on an '04 engine. Ive read about balancer failures on the newer engines, so I elected to use the older one. I too have a vibration, however I believe it is due to the balance shaft that I also added to the newer engine, and may have mistimed.

Is your explorer 4 wheel drive? If so, the Ranger engine will not have said balance shaft, and that could be causing the vibration.

this is a pretty severe vibration, i actually have the torque converter bolts loosened currently thinking I may have bent the flex plate during the engine install. I think I may just tighten them back up, put the staqrted back in, and change the harmonic balancer. I'm debating pulling the tranny but I think I may try this first. Fingers crossed!

What RPM range does it happen in?

did you by chance try the engine without the balance shaft installed? I've read on here that some can tell the difference. some can't,, If it's that small of a vibration, I'm not going to sweat it.

it happens more with engine load, but I can feel some vibration in park/ nuetral,, I want to say 2000-2500 and up, but It feels fine if I "floor it" at least I don't notice the vibration

Well, if you do need a balancer, this would be a great time to upgrade to an underdrive pulley, since the it's one piece with the balancer.

Well I have the one off my 99 engine, and as I'm thinking about it, when I picked up the new engine it was sitting in a wooden "box" that the salvage yard used to store the engine on a pallet, I don't remember if the motor was sitting on the front cross board on the balancer or not, I know the flex plate was and I chose not to use that one,

I did not try the engine with out the balance shaft in it, so I couldnt tell you how bad it is without it. My vibration happens in the same rpm range as well, after that, its fine. However, I haven't been much over 3k, so I dont know how it is throughout the entire RPM range.

The '04 balancer I have here looks...normal. The rubber doesnt stick out at all, its pretty much flat-faced. So, there is the possibility of something being wrong with yours.

well looking at it, the pully potion is not "centered" for lack of a better term. the rubber is thicker on one half than the other. so I'm thinking the pully may be acting similar to a wheel weight, but as I peer over to the old motor, I set it in that same wooden crate on the balancer:rolleyes:

It seems to be the easier thing to try at this point, if this dosen't do the trick I guess I'm going to pull the tranny and t-case and check the converter and flexplate after that, I'm stumped.

Hopefully I can get started on that tomorrow, I'll check back here before I start in case somebody has more wisdom to share that may change my mind, but I'm appreciative of all the help people have been on this board so far!

well looking at it, the pully potion is not "centered" for lack of a better term. the rubber is thicker on one half than the other. so I'm thinking the pully may be acting similar to a wheel weight, but as I peer over to the old motor, I set it in that same wooden crate on the balancer:rolleyes:

It seems to be the easier thing to try at this point, if this dosen't do the trick I guess I'm going to pull the tranny and t-case and check the converter and flexplate after that, I'm stumped.

Hopefully I can get started on that tomorrow, I'll check back here before I start in case somebody has more wisdom to share that may change my mind, but I'm appreciative of all the help people have been on this board so far!

Ah, I get what you mean now. If its noticeable like that, Id say changing it is certainly worth a shot. Hell, it may be screwed up and changing it now before total failure will be a good thing.

The bolt is supposed to be torque to yeild, and not to be reused. Dealer item.

that's a nice piece of hardware, but I doubt I'd ever save enough gas to justify the price, I really only use this the explorer to haul stuff and very occasionaly pull a 2500# boat. It has plenty of power with the 3.73 gears to do both.

Ah, I get what you mean now. If its noticeable like that, Id say changing it is certainly worth a shot. Hell, it may be screwed up and changing it now before total failure will be a good thing.

The bolt is supposed to be torque to yeild, and not to be reused. Dealer item.

yea, I know, I'll have to check with my local ford dealer to see if they have one, I only get an hour or two a night to work on this thing as the bossman has me for 10+ hours a day now for the next couple weeks,, I may just have to call in sick! ;)
