Headlight, and fog light bulbs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Headlight, and fog light bulbs

Risky Bizness

Well-Known Member
August 3, 2019
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2008 Sport Trac Limited
I'd like to replace the bulbs in my 2008 Sport Trac, with something brighter. Say a LED type bulb in both the headlights, and fog lights. I do NOT want to be obnoxious with lights, but my wife drives alot of country roads for her work, and would like more light for her.

What have you all found/suggest/recommend ??


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I am running Sylvania Xtravision for headlamps. Noticeable difference in usable light. Not the fake HID look, but an excellent light. For fogs I am running the standard bulbs.

O.K. I just like a lot of light. We just bought the ST last week, and haven't really driven it at night much.

Thanx, for your reply.

Also, if you can find bulbs made by Vosla they are excellent bulbs. We are running some Vosla +30 bulbs in our Edge. They are slightly less yellow in appearance, somewhere around 3700-3800k in color. The Edge has projector style headlamps, which suck for side vision, but at least the Vosla bulbs help put out some additional light on the road.

I have done a lot of research regarding adding led's to 2nd gen ST and have recently installed H13 headlights and fog-lights also.Both head and fogs work well and look good BUT the dash shows..." check left/right low beam " warning AND from what ive read, the SJB controls the message and cannot be altered at all. This message CAN be stopped ...but only by pushing dash-reset button Twice everytime car is started. It only takes seconds to do this but i suppose that it would get annoying pretty quick for some drivers. It gets much worse when adding LED TURN signal bulbs...which almost always give the fast-flash problem BUT can usually be rectified by changing the o.e.flasher-relay to an led flasher up-grade but.... not on these trucks,oh no...the SJB replaces the common ( on almost every other vehicle ) flasher-relay and again there is no adjusting the damn thing to work with led turn-signal bulbs. All you can do is TRY Load-Resistors on every light that has an LED...and pray it works ( many times it does NOT). I've decided to not change signal/flasher bulbs to led because of these problems and really do NOT believe that BRIGHTER signals are worth it BUT...... brighter head-lights/fogs are a safety issue more than an appearance issue and would love to hear from members who have a solution to the Ford SJB hi-jacking of various aspects of the operation of these 2nd gen ST's, epecially re. removing error-messges > thanks in advance.

Just found this advert right under this thread, and it looks like they have the answer to the error codes you mentioned...
Headlight Experts LED Lighting Kits
The gimmick is a little plug-in pigtail with an in-line capacitor, no wiring required. These guys also brag that their LED lamps produce a "perfect blinding white light"...No, thank you...

I've ben sorting out a few problems with my recently acquired 3rdG Explo, like no hi-beams or fogs and a turn signal stalk that plops outta' the column every time the signal cancels. Quick trip thru YouTube/Amazon, and I just got my new T/S module (~$30) and waiting for a break in the weather. Messing with the old unit, I picked a piece of broken plastic from the hole which promptly locked the hi-beams on, so that mystery is solved, too (had to pull the lamps out).

I'm totally sold on the reliability of LEDs, and the prices keep getting more affordable, but there's still some bugs. For the blinker rate, I seem to recall flashers for trailer towing that solved that problem, which was originally meant to warn you of a bad bulb. My biggest hitch, however, is the suppliers' delight in retinal detachment. I just don't feel a need to wilt the first three rows of corn as I go down the road.

Light quality in the US is usually expressed in "Degrees Kelvin", with 3200 an average for indoor filament lights, and 56-6000 bright sunlight. Most of the LED headlight replacements I've seen push the higher limit, thinking MORE is safer...but how much safer can it be when the on-coming traffic has their hands over their eyes?..:eek:..

I always run Lasfit led’s on my cars long lasting and super bright. They have a eBay store also
