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Headman headers


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2015
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City, State
Colfax, ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 exploder
Has anybody tried these? How was the fitment and sound?

Pretty good deal for a CA smog legal header.

Id like to eventually put in the 422 cam and 95tm heads. I'd like to get to around 270-280 ft/lbs of torque to the wheels without having to touch the bottom end, aside from adding a melling high volume oil pump. So im hoping these should compliment all my planned motor work and help me get there. If i can get those numbers I wont bother putting in the 1999 5.0 i have in my parts expo, as id rather put it in my 73 courier crawler.

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Has anybody tried these? How was the fitment and sound?
Hedman Street Headers 89400

Pretty good deal for a CA smog legal header.

Id like to eventually put in the 422 cam and 95tm heads. I'd like to get to around 270-280 ft/lbs of torque to the wheels without having to touch the bottom end, aside from adding a melling high volume oil pump. So im hoping these should compliment all my planned motor work and help me get there. If i can get those numbers I wont bother putting in the 1999 5.0 i have in my parts expo, as id rather put it in my 73 courier crawler.
how’d they install?
looking at doing the same

I have not purchased them yet. Still collecting all the parts for my motor Build.

i’m just doing one thing at a time.

Last year I did do a under drive pully, phenolic intake spacer, Hurst shifter and the rig feels quite a bit faster. Dont have the motivation to build my dream motor with such a perfect running motor at the moment.

My current plans are BBK throttle body/spacer, hedman headers, cat delete/gibson(possibly) exhaust, and throw some 3.73s in the rear. still thinking on the 3.73.

My current plans are BBK throttle body/spacer, hedman headers, cat delete/gibson(possibly) exhaust, and throw some 3.73s in the rear. still thinking on the 3.73.

Nice that should yield a strong running 4.0. Im doing an exhaust this summer. I did a simple magnaflow muffler with a turn down to make room for my rear suspension but need to do the rest of the exhaust. Going to do my best to keep it mellow as I like how quiet and balanced these 4.0's run.

I have secured a motor, took the heads off for inspection, and plan to build it over the course of the year. Will help to eliminate any downtime. Picked up some comp valve springs and some timing components. Still need heads, 422 cam, hv oil pump etc....all the expensive stuff.


Nice that should yield a strong running 4.0. Im doing an exhaust this summer. I did a simple magnaflow muffler with a turn down to make room for my rear suspension but need to do the rest of the exhaust. Going to do my best to keep it mellow as I like how quiet and balanced these 4.0's run.

I have secured a motor, took the heads off for inspection, and plan to build it over the course of the year. Will help to eliminate any downtime. Picked up some comp valve springs and some timing components. Still need heads, 422 cam, hv oil pump etc....all the expensive stuff.

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ooo. yeah. not ready to do any internal upgrades yet. pretty much just bolt on stuff. after I do the motor work, i’m gonna start rebuilding the suspension. thinking a mild 2in lift just so I can stop banging my head on the side of the truck when I get it. and to help with all the squeaking
