help, I changed my spark plugs and then my ((ABS)) light came on... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help, I changed my spark plugs and then my ((ABS)) light came on...


April 5, 2006
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Fort Walton Beach, FL
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help, I changed my spark plugs and then my ((ABS)) light came on... (SOLVED :) )

well, i finally tackled the 3 1/2 hour project that i was dreading because of all the critizism on this fourm about how hard it is to change the spark plugs. BUT I DID IT IN ONLY 3 1/2 HOURS :eek: lol. anyways when i started it up my ((ABS)) light started to show up. HELP! so i shut it off and checked that i reconnected all the plugs and wires that i unpluged and made sure everything was in order but it still comes on. Do i need to reset the computer by unpluging the battery? i did take off my pass. wheel but i didnt hit or touch anything else on the wheel. the only thing that i can think of is i think i got alittle rough with the plug that's kinda in the way of plug #4. but i dont think that has do with the abs. i checked all the fuses, their good. i really dont have the money to take it in for them to say it's gonna cost me $$$ to see what's wrong with it. (but i did hear rumors that autozone will diagnose the abs for free???)

help me out here, i need to fix this before my wife drives me into a tree. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!


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The actual changing of plugs will NOT illuminate your ABS light. Now - is this on start up only or does it go away after a few seconds? If it flashes - tell us what it flashes. Also, just doubt check everything - take that wheel off again and make sure the sensor is connected, nothing is obstructed, etc. -- it has to be something simple since it was working fine. Also, its ok to drive with the ABS light's just stating that you don't have ABS operation, but the normal brakes work fine!


ExplorerDMB said:
The actual changing of plugs will NOT illuminate your ABS light. Now - is this on start up only or does it go away after a few seconds? If it flashes - tell us what it flashes. Also, just doubt check everything - take that wheel off again and make sure the sensor is connected, nothing is obstructed, etc. -- it has to be something simple since it was working fine. Also, its ok to drive with the ABS light's just stating that you don't have ABS operation, but the normal brakes work fine!


it's on constantly now, it was never on before. i will take the wheel off soon (it's raining right now) and see if i accidentally hit something and knocked it loose. i think i hit a wire loose or something but im not sure. i already double checked all the wires near the abs controller, all are connected. but i might have pulled one of the plug or something, ya know? Thanks for the reply


pulled the wheel off today to look and i didn't see anything unusual. kinda irritating because i've had this truck for around 8 months with no problems. and i do a "simple" task and #%@* it up.... darn it. if anybody else has any input to help me that would be great. THANKS


I think that you pulled a wire somewhere when you were changing the plug wires.
Do you have a DVM (digital Volt Meter)? You should check all the wires going to the ABS system. The DVM will really help out with this. Radio Shack sells little cheap one for under 20 bucks. Do you know how to do a continuity ckeck?

see, thats what i thought but i kinda gently pushed them back in, i think, to where when i started it up atleast it would register something. but it didn't work.

yes i do have a DVM but i dont know how\what to meter. i mean, there are like 25 wires coming out of the abs controller. if you dont mind leading me in the general direction. and the answer to your second question is no, i dont know how to do a continuity check.

i'm off tomarrow so im going to take my digital camera out there and take a snapshot of the engine compartment and post it to give a general idea to what is going on in there, the abs controller is about 6-7 inches away from where i was working so i don't know.

thanks alot


OK, let's see what input we can get...


i think i messed with that one. but i dont know what it does. i think it goes to the power steering pump but im not sure. i didn't even touch the abs system although i might have messed with the master brake cylinder plugs while reaching for the #5 & 6 plugs. HELP ME PLEASE. THANKS ALOT FOR ALL THE INPUT.


c'mon, i know someone out there knows the answer to this... i have to go on a 6 hour trip next week and it would be a pleasure for the ABS to work for that trip... THANKS ALOT :banghead:


Well, i had to do it. i took it to the shop today and had the codes pulled for $40 and they came back as:


the guy said when the first one goes off, the second one goes off as well because of the automatic 4WD. i went ahead and let him replace it and the ABS light went off. i dont know how me changing my spark plugs in the front of the truck could mess up the REAR speed sensor, or if it was just pure coincidence.. anyway it's finally SOLVED.
