HELP! Loud clanging noise!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP! Loud clanging noise!!!


Explorer Addict
October 17, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Gilbert, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 XLT V8
Okay, as some of you know im doing a head swap as posted in "compression ratio???"... I just got my engine started... and am getting a clanging noise from what appears to be the passenger side rocker arm cover... im not sure about the location though.. just a guess. It makes the noise about once ever 2 seconds or so... and sounds like metal on metal... very brief... help????


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Sorry man...i can't help...but i thought i'd post to keep this thing on top of the sounds like you really need some help!!!!

Heh... it turns out i busted a lifter. 300 bucks later! Jeeze. if i would have know that was all the problem was... i would have done it myself. oh well.


Its a good thing that's all it was. I had visions of the pistons and valves making contact, which usually ends catastrophically. It's a little expensive, but its still good news.

:D I also thought your engine may have had poison ivy. :D You'd have to amputate it.

Haha... no not yet... Its getting hard to drive though. I lost my right leg and my left arm to poison ivy!!! :) The guy charged me 52 bucks for that lifter... and I have so many of them lying around the house I dont know what to do with them! hehe...

