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Help me set up my subs and ID a song


Well-Known Member
August 24, 2001
City, State
Waterloo, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Sport
I've got a MTX 4250D amp and 2 Rockford Fosgate 3410 subs and the way the amp is set now it sounds great for rock and pop songs which is about 75% of what I listen to, the other 25% is dance/techno and the bass is overwhelming on these tracks. If I adjust the controls so the dance/techno sounds good then the rock/pop songs have no bass.
What can I do, I plan to get the EBC controller thing, will this help?

Next question - I like the song in the commericial for the Mitsubishi Lancer, one of the lyrics is "put your body in motion" anyone know the real title or artist for this.


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well, i cant help you with the first part, but the song is called body in motion by wise guys.


Thanks Fish Man, that was it and I'm know downloading the song now.

As for getting an equalizer, won't I have to constantly be adjusting it for every song. I'm hoping the remote gain control will be an easy solution but not sure if it will work.

yes, you will have to adjust the equalizer for every song-you might try and adjusting your amp as well-that could also be a problem if it is set at a high db range. good luck!

If you want to get a new HU you can overcome this problem with a receiver with a built in equalizer. They can store personal settings and are very easy to switch from one to another.
