It just followed me home (version 2)! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It just followed me home (version 2)!

Might depend on the environment. I'm sure that those who park with their headlights facing the sun for a large % of the day will have it worse than others, but I'm also sure that some people repeat this protectant-necessity as more of an urban myth than truth.

It's not just the sun, headlight bulbs put out UV as well.

I've seen more than one headlight lens with a deteriorated circle about 2 1/2 inches across right on the hot spot of the bulb output.
Not Ex lights, something else.

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^ I concede that would be a reason I'd more likely replace it than try to polish it out, if it were on the inside, though I haven't had that happen enough to notice, guess I don't drive that many hours with headlights on.

Man those pictures bring back memories. It makes me miss my old 97. But heck that's all you pulled out? When I bought my 96 a couple years ago I had a huge bag of crap. Everything from hay, to matches (21 books of them), cig butts, sugar packets, almost 5 bucks in change, 3 or 4 lighters and grease up the wazoo. It was so bad I had to change my steering wheel. I couldn't get all the grease off the wheel and it was just sticky and disgusting. I found a tooth brush too, and had stains like someone threw coffee cups across the truck; you would never believe how dirty my truck was if you saw it today. With a little time and elbow grease you would be amazed what you can do.

Paid the tax on it today and got all the paperwork together to get it rego'd next week.

Gonna go home and scrub the carpets a bit, and order a new armrest center console lid thing.

You should check this repair kit out:

There are a few guys here in the forum that have done this with great results (including myself.) A lot cheaper than ordering a new lid cover. There is also a utoob video on how to do it.
Or use the same strategy but buy a piece of furniture grade leather and cut it to shape, if you can find one that suits the interior color. If kept conditioned it's less likely to lose color or crack too, as well as being nicer to rest your arm on. There's also the option of making it overstuffed and/or using memory foam.

I was never a big fan of the fake chrome grill on the 2nd gens, and the 'chrome' on mine was all peel-ey and crap looking:


So... I peeled it bare and am plasti-dipping it:



I'll be doing the bumpers to match, as well.

^ With the chrome gone anyway, why not permanently paint it? It's not like you're going to some day decide to peel the plast-dip off to leave it virgin beige colored...

^ With the chrome gone anyway, why not permanently paint it? It's not like you're going to some day decide to peel the plast-dip off to leave it virgin beige colored...

I had a couple cans left over from the last time I dipp'd something lying around in the garage. Had I had flat black paint lying around, i'd have probably used it.

Here is all the crap I found in the car, so far. All of this was in the center console.

2 visa cards (yes, i shredded them)
A micro USB to barrel plug adapter
a toothbrush
a fork :eek:
2 pens
a bandaid (thankfully, still in a sealed wrapper)
a graduation cap tassel thing
old coupons
chewed gum

Looks like the bottom of my wifes purse, CCs included.

When I bought my 08 Mounty, the first cleaning revealed that the previous owners must have been professional shoplifters, as I found hundreds of those size rings you find on the hangers for new clothes, all different sizes. They were under the seats, under the floor mats, under the carpet, in every nook and cranny available, in the door pockets, under the spare tire, I mean everywhere.

The grossest thing I found was several of those DIY diabetes blood test strips....used. Augghghh!

does the center high stop light work? thats like goram goldust on those cars... mine is already LED because neon = $$$$ *LOL*

I didn't bother posting the good stuff! There was a crappy jumper cable set in the back, and a spare wheel with no tire!

does the center high stop light work? thats like goram goldust on those cars... mine is already LED because neon = $$$$ *LOL*

I actually don't know... hang on... I'll go check!

Well, no great surprise there. It's as dead as Julius Caesar.

Goddammit Ford... What's wrong with a regular lightbulb?

Good reason to swap the whole thing out for a 98 and up , that's what I did , also takes care of the dent

Good reason to swap the whole thing out for a 98 and up , that's what I did , also takes care of the dent

It's kind of a pain but I'd agree. For some reason those high mount stop lights die all the time on 95-97s. My 99 Sports is bright as all hell, and I personally think looks better.

Nice project, I like where you're going with it. I'm in SC as well, got a 99 V8 last year, still need to do the thread about that. I actually know where there's a Blue interior sitting in a junkyard car, but all that aside, nice build and I like where you're going with it. I originally got mine to resell when the value got higher for a pickup, but I love driving it enough it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

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Thanks all for the tips re: armrest. I haven't got much update-wise as I'm still not legal. Between work & life, I haven't gotten down to DMV yet. Should have that sorted out tomorrow.

I also have to replace the drivers seatbelt receiver. As it happens, I have a spare one in the garage! WOO!
