Help, my '96 4.0 has no mid range power | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help, my '96 4.0 has no mid range power


New Member
January 5, 2010
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City, State
Woodland Park, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 explorer XLT
I have a a '96 4.0 auto 4x4 that I inherited and when I drive it there is no mid range power. Bottom end when you get on it is fine as is top end but at highway speed it feel like the truck is struggling to go 55. The tranny was serviced a few months ago and the fluid is still bright red and not burned so I'm pretty sure the tranny is not slipping. I'm thinking either I have fouled injectors or the throttle is not adjusted properly. Does anyone have any thoughts as to where to start with this?

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Do you have a check engine light on?

Yes, the check engine light is on. I had is scaned at Autozone and they said it was an obstruction in the air intake as far as the code went, maybe a dirty aircleaner. I'm gonna take it out tonight and see.

Well that could be your sluggish issue. Go back, have them scan it again and write down the code. We can give you a lot better advice with the code....

Yes, the check engine light is on. I had is scaned at Autozone and they said it was an obstruction in the air intake as far as the code went, maybe a dirty aircleaner. I'm gonna take it out tonight and see.

clean your maf sensor, there are lots of articles online.

check your throttle body when its wide open throttle. the butterfly in the tb might not be opening all the way. theres threads on how to correct this by taking out the slack in the throttle cable.
