Help needed with a 2004 Ford Explorer. It won't start, and I need it to go to work. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help needed with a 2004 Ford Explorer. It won't start, and I need it to go to work.


New Member
January 18, 2009
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Car would not start yesterday, all I would hear was a clicking sound, so I tried to jump it off, nothing. I went and bought a new battery because the guy at autozone told me the battery was bad. When I go to start the car now, it doesnt click but you can hear something in the engine(like a buzzing noise about 2 secs long, sounds like something electric). Also the red led light on in the middle of the dash blinks rapidly. Could this be a starter? starter relay, starter solenoid or anti theft system. I have no idea how to trouble shoot becasue I do not know where anything is located besides fuses and the starter. I need this car working by today, if anyone can give some trouble shooting tips or a way to get it started?

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welcome bg and that sux bout ur 04 x

Welcome to this forum! I've renamed, and moved your thread to the stock 2002-2005 section. It sounds like the starter solenoid on the starter isn't engaging the throw out gear to spin the flexplate. Another possibility is a bad flexplate or end gear on the starter.

It sort of sounds like your key got deprogrammed, do you have another one to try? Also get under the vehicle and give the starter a couple of good whacks with a hammer.

gave it a couple whacks and no go, didnt know how hard but i gave them some hard taps. red light still flashing rapidly on dash and I can hear something like a relay or switch move but not trying to crank over or anything.

Pull out the starter, and have an auto parts store bench test it. As for the anti theft light blinking, test the wiring going to the starter with a test light before you pull out the starter to make sure that there is power going to it. You could even jump the connection to crank the starter directly.

The following checks can be made without WDS2000:
The engine does not start and LED remains off. 1. Check PATS system fuses

2. If alarm is fitted check if LED functions for alarm: if not check cigar lighter fuse (also used for LED)

3. If not go to main dealer
Engine does not start: LED flashes rapidly Leave ignition on until the LED starts to flash a 2 digit code: (sequence- pause-sequence) Check the following codes:

Code flashes:
1:3 Key code not received. Is key screened by other keys or objects? Try different key: if okay then first key is faulty.

If not go to main dealer
1:4 Partial code only received. Try again. If not okay use different key.

If not go to main dealer
1:5 Key not programmed into PATS. Program key as above using master

1:6 Faulty link between PATS module and EECV

Go to main dealer

If the LED illuminates for 4 seconds but the engine does not crank, PATS is working correctly and there is a fault elsewhere. Try starter solenoid or battery. If okay go to main dealer.

If the LED illuminates for 4 seconds and the engine cranks but does not start, PATS is working correctly and the fault lies elsewhere. Check the Fuel Cut-Off switch. If okay go to main dealer.

If none of the above checks resolves the problem then the system will need to be connected to WDS at a main dealer for a diagnostic check.

If the engine starts normally but the LED stays on, wait for one minute. The LED may then flash a code 2:1. This is showing a ‘fault’ that there are less than 3 keys programmed into PATS. One of more keys need to be programmed to stop this code.

Any other code needs referring to the Ford main dealer.

well I did this it flashed 1.5 to me so I guess I am going to dealer, aboutt o try to jump start the relay with a flathead

A couple of people have said there truck lost its memory for the keys in the PATSII system, seems that when the battery is killed, if forgets what keys are allowed. Trip to the dealer is the only way i know of. Some have said a locksmith might but they need the special scanner to do it or a WDS, NGS. . . .
My '04 battery died too, but i didn't have the PATS problem.
