Help on picking out the right lights please?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help on picking out the right lights please??

I bought a brush/grill gaurd from Westin. Just a basic one. It has 2 mounting holes for lights. I am blind, & need more light when I drive. :) What kind of lights can I add that will let me do this. I do not need blinding light just enough to help me see in the very dark streets of South FL. All those Piaa, & hella lights are so expensive. I seen a nice set of driving lights in the auto store for $25. They would seem to work. Any other ideas? Where's the cheapest place to buy?


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If you are simply wanting additional light without spending money then any store brand is what you want.

I will say that you will probably be disappointed having store brand lights on next to your PIAA hyperwhite headlights. You have an impressive amount of mods done to yor vehicle so why stop there?? Put some lights on that matches your vehicle's toughness!


I say you should get either the PIAA 520's or the Hella Rally 4000 series. They cost, but they're worth it.

i'm also looking to get some new lights soon. i want some that are about 5" or less diameter but that don't suck too bad. i also can't afford the piaa or ipf lights unless i catch a real good deal. anyone got suggestions? thanks...

Jasonb, depends on what a "really good deal is" LOL. Anyways, as far as 5" or less, I've got the PIAA 510's which are about 4 1/2" round and they are extremely bright for their size. I've got the superwhite drivings.

Anyways, if you never use your lights, get the $25 pair, but if your going to use them lots and will depend on them for light, get some that will work. Kinda like buyin a $1000 winch vs. a $200 k-mart brand winch, sure if you never use it it doesn't matter but if you need it, then you'll be glad you spent the extra dough to get one that actually works and works well.

I gotta agree.

I have to back up mattadams on his post. I also have the PIAA 510's and they're great. I had a set of the $30 Pep Boys special, and it's like night and day (pun intended) True, they were a bit more expansive at $200, but they are so much better. I'm a staunch believer in the "You get what you pay for," saying. While it's not ALWAYS true, it is 99% of the time. I learned my lesson long ago by buying all the cheap stuff (in general, not jsut for my truck). My dad used to criticize me for buying running shoes for $125, while my brother would buy them for $30. Of course, my shoes lasted for a year to a year and a half, while my brother bought shoes every three months. So if you can't afford to get some good lights right now, just hold of for a while until you do. You'll be glad. I am.

i did decide to wait and not get any until i could afford the good stuff. might be a while, but i think it will be worth it..

upgrade your headlight bulbs to 100w superwhites($40) and upgrade your foglamps to higher wattage also 55w + ($20-60) . I believe the stocks are only 15w, purely cosmetic . You can't use the others on the streets anyway ...


JasonB, good choice. It's one you won't regret. Also, like rockymntnhi said, try upgrading your headlamp bulbs for now.

Can the stock wiring take the added wattage of the 100W bulbs?

yeah i have thought about upgrading the headlights and stock fogs. i think i may do a 4dr leaf swap and shackle/TT lift first though. i want the 4dr leafs so it won't sag when pulling the trailer. but yes, i know the stock headlights and fogs are not so great! i love the way the whites shine instead of the yellow stock crap. thanks for all the advice guys!

Hey Jason, I have a set of Bosch lights you can have for $10..Ran them for 2 yrs without any problem, try to make it to the next meet and I'll give them to ya then, you will also be able to check out several other brands that the other members are running..details at..

when and where is the next run? i didn't see it on that webpage. if it isn't way too far, i might make it. its gonna be at least 4 hrs away no matter what so it may be difficult, but i'd like to join yall. again... thanks for all the advice guys!
