HELP!! Power steering pulley?!?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP!! Power steering pulley?!?!


Elite Explorer
July 13, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Miles City, Montana
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 & 93 XLT 4x4 Explorers
OK, I replaced the power steering pump, and put a new pulley on....but I can't get it to go on any further. The pump came with a bolt and a nut to use to pull the pulley onto the shaft. It ate up one belt, so I used the bolt again, thought I had it, but I noticed again today that the belt is frayed again. What can I use. I can't tap on it, because I don't want to screw up the bearings in pump. GRRRRRR!!! Help, please.

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Try putting another thicker washer between the bolt and the supplied washer. The one that comes with the pump is not strong enough and usually bends a bit preventing the pulley from seating all the way.

If you can't get it Paul's way, there is always heat. I have occasionally helped an interference fit by heating one part. In this case you would need to heat the pully. If you try this, wear gloves or something so you can still work the pully. And if so, heating must always be done gradully and envenly. (oven works great- 400deg.). And never quench the thing with water, it must cool naturally.

Would a wider diameter pulley lesson the assist and stiffin the steering?

Interesting theory, Blue2door. But I think: That pump is running at so many different RPM as it is following the engine speed. I dont believe that a coule of RPM decrease due to the diameter that you could change to would even be signifcant relative to the range of RPM it is turning at as you drive. However, there is supposedly an adjustment to the assist gearbox. I have never messed with it- maybe someone else has.

Oh hey cool. If anyone knows about this adjustment let us know. Where's it at?
