help with my transfercase or shift motor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help with my transfercase or shift motor


April 2, 2010
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport Trac
I did some searching but i can find the answer to my problem.

Having trouble with the 4x4. When driving at 15 mph it does not fully engage and it jolts the truck really bad. Even when going 5mph it does it also. Only works when at a complete standstill.

If i remember right I dont have to do a complete stop to shift into 4HI. Maybe im wrong

Any ideas where to start?

Is it the shift motor? the transfercase internals?


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Correct, 2HI to 4HI is shift-on-the-fly, to 4LO you must be stopped with it in Neutral and foot on the brake.
How does it act when you're stopped and shift it? Does it go right in or hesitate?

It goes into gear no problem at all when at a stand still. Only jolts the ST when moving moving.

Also what model are the transfercase on our trucks? I have a 2001, auto. I would go out side but its raining and windy out side. Gotta love this North West weather. :rolleyes:

Anyone have anyideas? Its my only means of transportation. Cant really just take it apart.

Borg-Warner 13-54 Shift Transfer Case

You HAVE checked the fluid in the transfer case, right?
MERCON® Multi-Purpose (ATF) Transmission Fluid XT-2-QDX
Capacity L (Pint) 1.2 (2.5)

All of your tires the same size and close to the same amount of wear? Different tire sizes will cause hard shift between 2WD 4HI. New tires on one end and severely worn tires on the other will also affect shifting.
