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Help with transmission removal.

charles snyder

New Member
June 4, 2009
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vernon texas
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96 ranger xlt
how in the world does a man get nto the top 2 trans to engine bolts, and what tool is best to remove the bolts. need to know asap thanks a million.

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Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread to the transmission section. You could use a long extension with a swivel socket to get to those bolts. Check the sticky thread on the top of this section for removal instructions.

Can you reach them from the top if you have to, from that inspection cover under the carpet?

I think it might be tight unless you remove the rubber tranny mount on the cross brace. Probably just as easy to get them from the bottom at that point. Gotta love having a body lift!

What you up to today Brooklyn? I'm bored, looking for work, waiting to see if I get called then off to the wrecking yard for a u-joint steering shaft.

With this:


You don't need a swivel/wobble socket.

Like the pic shows. Lots of extension, over the top of the trans from behind it. Piece of cake... Now, to get the O2 sensors disconnected, takes the long arms of a man with the hands of a ten year old girl...
