Help with TT Shackle lift and fitting tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with TT Shackle lift and fitting tires


December 28, 2014
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2001 Ford Explorer XLS
Hey everyone I need some help with the current wheel setup I'm trying to achieve. I was wondering if 33x12.50 r15 with just a TT and a shackle lift would fit. I've seen sport tracs do it but I was just wondering if I could do it with a regular 2001 explorer xls. I know there's a thread about it but some people say it works some say it doesn't. Any help would be great thanks guys!

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I have a 1996 explorer sport with a TT and shackles with 33" mud terrains. Minor trimming to the bumper and back of front fender. Your 01 has bigger wheel wells up front so I dont see why not. Wheel width and backspacing plays an important part also, I run 15x8 with 3.75 backspacing and it works out well.

I have a 1996 explorer sport with a TT and shackles with 33" mud terrains. Minor trimming to the bumper and back of front fender. Your 01 has bigger wheel wells up front so I dont see why not. Wheel width and backspacing plays an important part also, I run 15x8 with 3.75 backspacing and it works out well.

Thanks for your reply man! Do you think you could post some pics of how yours looks with the 33s? How high did you go with the torsion? I have a 2wd so I know I can go higher than 2 inches. Plus yea I already bought my wheels they're 15x8 with 3.75in backspacing.


Here she is

I have a 2000 XLS and did WAR 153 Shackles, AAL and TT - I put 32x11.5 on the front and still rubbed on the front. I probably could have twisted the front a bit more but did not want to push the limit - I trimmed some of the plastic to clear. (First picture)

After the 3" body lift, I had NO problem with clearance. I also adjusted the TT a bit to level the truck out; I did go a bit higher than the first TT, but not much. (Second Picture).

I cannot think of the backspacing on the rims - but they are 15x8


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Yea, pretty much the same setup as mine, minus the body lift. I have 0 rub issues but as mentioned I did trim the bumper and a little sheet metal on the fenders. The short flares hide the trim though

All I had to do was trim the plastic crap behind the front wheel - but after the body lift, no issues! LOL!

I could EASILY put 33's under it now - and might do so after the 32's wear out, but I kinda like the look of the 32's and it is not mucking with the shifting and the speedo is not far off...

mine shifts fine and since it has the speed sensor in the transfer case, I was able to get the speedo pretty close by changing the sensor gear. the 410s help too.

I run stockers with the AAL and shackles, removed rear swaybar also. not sure what brand they are, they may be Ford OE's

I'm going to be doing my TT in a few days and have a few questions. How far do I go with the twist? How do j know when to stop?

Put the truck on a level flat surface and measure from the center of the front hub to the wheel well lip, record the measurement on both sides. Tighten the adjuster bolt until you get about 2 - 2.5" of height. make it even on both sides and done. I have mine tightened slightly higher, there are many posts about the "dangers" of going over 2.5" but I have no ill effects, the truck has been set up this way for over 10 years, wheeled hard and never busted a CV or a ball joint or anything.

Thanks for your reply man! I have a question. With the Add a leaf, is it necessary for me to buy longer shocks or will I still be able to run stock shocks for a while?

Some say you do not have to, but I had to replace my shocks anyways as they were shot - I went with the Rancho extended.

I think as long as you are not offroading and going to flex the snot out of your suspension you will be OK. I do not think I will ever get to the maximum length of mine, but they did not cost anymore than the standard length so I went with the extended.

What shocks did you get? Where? And how much?

I went with 2013 f150 shocks on the rear, had to press the dog bone into the top mount but lingth is perfect.

Some say you do not have to, but I had to replace my shocks anyways as they were shot - I went with the Rancho extended.

I think as long as you are not offroading and going to flex the snot out of your suspension you will be OK. I do not think I will ever get to the maximum length of mine, but they did not cost anymore than the standard length so I went with the extended.

Do you still have the part number or where you got your shocks from so I can see pricing and etc. Sorry to be a pain lol. I just know mine will be the same because it's like almost the same exact vehicle. Same color and everything.

No problem at all;

Rancho RS5000 Series Shock - Part No RS5185 and Part No RS5374

Paid $218.36 for all four delivered to the door from Advanced Auto Parts

Which are front and which are rear?

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No problem at all;

Rancho RS5000 Series Shock - Part No RS5185 and Part No RS5374

Paid $218.36 for all four delivered to the door from Advanced Auto Parts

Thanks a lot. Is yours 2wd or 4wd or does that matter? I'm a 2wd.
