Hey Guys, remember me? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hey Guys, remember me?


Well-Known Member
February 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Honda Civic SI
Hey guys, some of you might remember me and some might not. Ive been deployed with the Army for almost a year now to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. We just got some email access, so I figured Id make a post to say hi. I sold my X right before I left, and Im looking to buy a mustang when I get back home (whenever thats going to be) well I just wanted to say hi to everyone. Have a great day


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Hey, 93bluexlt. Welcome back to the board. Bet it's hot in Guantanamo.

Glad to hear you got e-mail. That'll make communication with the folks back home a lot easier, I know.


  • usflag smiley salute.gif
    usflag smiley salute.gif
    238 bytes · Views: 230

Welcome back... keep em on their side of the fence down in Getmo.

Sorry to hear you sold the Ex - and soon after you had just put new wheels/tires on it, too. Good luck finding a Mustang that hasn't been ragged out. (Look for one that has been driven by a mature female.)

Yeah its hot as a **** down here. its usually between 95-100 everyday. yeah It really sucks I sold my X, especially b/c I sold it for such a low price, essentially I sold them a set of wheels and they got a free truck. thats ok. Looking for a mustang, Im hoping to find one that isnt ragged out, and is in pretty good condition. for a good price, (is that asking too much?) well I gotta jet, talk to ya later


What part of greenville are u from?


hey they got some aussie ex army guy down there if you see him ask him what the f--k do's think hes doing?

the Aussie, was a mercenary for whoever he could get paid from. Hes a d**k.

BTW, Im from Greenville


his name is david hicks
when rhodesia fell and became zimbabe they hung all the mercenarys. They have no country and thier only religion is money

And thats why hes under my custody, he he he.. :)


Hey Andy,
Man its good to see your name on the board. I remember your ex was one of the first exploirers thjat I really liked. I loved the blue. Sad to hear you sold it, but thats the breaks man. Thanks for what you do in the Forces. Aight man, see ya...

Hey Bryan, its good to hear from ya. I appreciate the compliments on my "ex"-Ex. he he Yeah its a damn shame that I had to get rid of it, but it was about to die anyway, the flywheel screwed up, along with the tranny, again. it was on its last legs, so I guess it was for the best. anyway man, Ill talk to you later

