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HID Questions

Hate to ask again, but I'm about to order.

Does the Kensun 9005 (HB3) kit do both high/low beams?

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Hate to ask again, but I'm about to order.

Does the Kensun 9005 (HB3) kit do both high/low beams?

9005 is the bulb for both HIGH and LOW beams.. there is only one bulb in the explorer, the housing has a flap that blocks half the beam for lows.

Yes, the rubber boot on the HID's fit perfectly into the hole I cut in the boot.

Here is a view from the other side. I have a set of spare uncut boots, to replace back on to return it to stock without having holes in the boot.


Did you order a relay harness?

Can someone post pictures of how/where they mounted the ballasts?

quick questions, does your explorer have daytime running lights? Mine does and don't know yet how to turn that off. I want HID's but dont want them on all day long. Any info on this?

quick questions, does your explorer have daytime running lights? Mine does and don't know yet how to turn that off. I want HID's but dont want them on all day long. Any info on this?

Interesting that yours has them on, I thought only ones sold in CAN had DTR's enabled. Regardless you can have your dealer change the DTR setting. There are three options OFF, On Yellow lights only, and On like you have them. They change the programming in the BCM, you might have to push the service manager to do it for you.

Interesting that yours has them on, I thought only ones sold in CAN had DTR's enabled. Regardless you can have your dealer change the DTR setting. There are three options OFF, On Yellow lights only, and On like you have them. They change the programming in the BCM, you might have to push the service manager to do it for you.

yea, my car was a fleet/rental (it was from budget and bought it at auction) so that probably was the reason it has it on. Thanks for the info! guess I got a new trip to the dealership :thumbsup:

Can someone post pictures of how/where they mounted the ballasts?


Mine should be waiting for me when I get home from work. 6000k Kensung.


I mounted mine next to the hood stops (right above the lights under the hood). There is a perfect size place there for them, my only issue is that it is not a flat space, so I am going to either use foam or silicone to make a flat surface there to stick them to

Right now zip ties and wire positions are keeping them from moving, I will likely finish the mounting and take pictures this weekend, but no promises, it's been a bit hectic lately.

Heres where I mounted my top ballasts.




The orange relays in the last two pics are from TRS. They are Morimoto relay harness so that my Fogs both kick on with the headlights. It was too much draw to have all 4 come on at the same time.

Works great now!

I read some complaints on Amazon about giving up high beams or the high beams not being very bright with these HID kits. Can any of you guys that have done the conversion comment on this?

In the explorer at least, the brights are amazing after the HID conversion.


Yep, my brights are very good now.

Definitive, are those the mounting brackets from Kensun youre using?

Yes those are the weird triangle brackets that came with. Very hard to get all the screws to line up, but got it eventually.


Installed mine on Monday. Took about an hour with the relays. Light is far superior to stock halogens.

Heres where I mounted my top ballasts.




The orange relays in the last two pics are from TRS. They are Morimoto relay harness so that my Fogs both kick on with the headlights. It was too much draw to have all 4 come on at the same time.

Works great now!

Nice mounting areas. I just used double side tape to mount mine. I will upload pics when I get a chance.
