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Hidden antenna idea


Explorer Addict
October 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 5.0
My power antenna broke off quite a while ago, and since then my radio reception has pretty much sucked (as you can imagine). Well, I don't want to fix the antenna because I don't want it to be seen. So I was thinking that I could extend my antenna wire from my headunit over towards the door and up the pillar. This would create a sort of stealth antenna. But would it work?

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I saw it done in a show Ranger... They had a small antenna mounted in the B pillar. I don't know how the reception was though...

New cars have them mounted in the glass

So what if you ran it at the top of the windshield across the glass on the inside? Right at the headliner?

Originally posted by Hartman
So I was thinking that I could extend my antenna wire from my headunit over towards the door and up the pillar. This would create a sort of stealth antenna. But would it work?

Do you mean running the wire from the headunit itself? Because the wire itself is shielded so it doesn't recieve any radio waves. You can buy a "stealth" antenna that sticks to the inside of your windshield, but from what I've heard, they're kind of directional. You'll get a great signal if you're facing the broadcast tower, but it'll suck if you're facing the other way.

I don't understand why you can't cut the wire that goes to the antenna, expose the end, and extend it up into the headliner or pillar?

i think u have a pretty good idea. ive been meaning to do what alpha did awhile back with the shorter black antenna. but it would be nice to completely shave that off and have a hidden antenna.

I think your A pillar (being made of metal) would act as a shield and kill your reception.


I think that this looks awesome. It is from the "mad-illac" in the Jan. 2003 Truckin
Dead Link Removed

but im sure he paid an arm and a leg to get that done. thats alot of body work and then u gotta paint.. id rather just pay for XM :p

I don't want to have to do any body work, plus it's still visable.

I want it *HIDDEN*!

screw radio.....its pretty much cd's for me when I am in my X.

The only way for a hidden antena is via the windshield.
Like Robb said , the a-pillar idea won't work cause the rf won't go through the steel. Oh , and don't try to make the whole truck it's self an antena , that will not be the trick either.

AM won't work at all if you dont' have any antenna connected to the wire. but who listens to AM anyways......

I know sticking antennas inside doesnt' work well....I tried that with my dads '94, I ended up having to fish the new wire through the firewall after all....OUCH:(

Originally posted by Crankcase
but who listens to AM anyways

I do.

WTOP traffic , news and weather.

Ya gotta keep informed some times.

Originally posted by MONMIX
I do.

WTOP traffic , news and weather.

Ya gotta keep informed some times.

I know....My dad does too.He listens to news/talk radio all day. That is why I had to hook up AM for him:D
