high idle after "cleaning"? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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high idle after "cleaning"?


New Member
March 6, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 sport
hey everyone.. i just bought an explorer sport with the sohc v6 and my friend thought he would help out by spraying some kind of cleaner in to the intake while it was running....shortly after he did my engine started to idle at about 1500 rpms and my check engine light came on.. he threw out the can and now i have no idea what he sprayed into my engine. Does anyone have any idea what this might have done or how i can fix it?

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Can't you just ask him what it was?

I would assume that it was carb cleaner or something of the sort. Where did he spray it- before the MAF or after?

If the truck runs better now, disconnect your battery for about 15 minutes, and reconnect to clear the ECM and that should let the system relearn itself.

Good point aldive- go to Autozone and grab the code, then clear it!

wow.. i just realized how dumb that question was... i found out it was just throttle body cleaner so i adjusted the idle with the set screw. the check engine light turned off after i replaced the tranny line that rotted through. thanks for your help though.

...so i adjusted the idle with the set screw.
You really shouldn't do this. There is a detailed procedure for setting your "base" idle with this screw - depending on the vehicle, and is like this:
Disconnect IAC connector.
Remove Spout jumper
Place (.x..") feeler gauge under set screw.
Start engine and adjust set screw to (x..) idle speed. Verify and adjust base timing to spec. and verify idle is still to spec.
Turn off engine, remove feeler gauge, reconnect Spout and IAC. Reset computer.

You need to find the (x..) values for your particular application.

i adjusted the idle with the set screw. the check engine light turned off after i replaced the tranny line that rotted through. thanks for your help though.

Not a proper technique.

oh ya i heard it from my dad when he found out..thanks for letting me know the procedure..i was trying to do everything myself and didnt do it right..so if i followed the right procedure now it would be ok? and where would i find the (x..) values for my application?
