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High rev question?


Well-Known Member
October 2, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Layton, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
Just got back on a weekend trip and on our way back my Explorer was reving at about 3000-3500 RPM. I was doing 70 MPH and it would not shift into overdrive. Usually it shifts at around 2500 RPM but not yesterday. It was almost like I was driving it in D2. It stayed like that until I stopped and got gas about 60 miles later and then it was fine (after I shut the engine off and started it back). Anyone have an idea what that was?
Temperature was a bit below freezing and I was up in the mountains (approx 4000' elevation).
Is this something I should worry about? Thanks in advacnce for any help.

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You sure it wasn't shifting into overdrive, or could it have been the torque converter not locking? Did you try turning off O/D (with that pushbutton) and seeing if you felt a shift?

Did the O/D light start flashing?

Part of it was probably all the uphill driving and the truck needed the power of the lower gears. However, I'd check your transmission fluid for level and quality. When was the last time you had the fluid and filter changed?

Actually it did shift into overdrive after I reached about 88 MPH @ 3500RPM! It seemed to be shifting properly but only 1000 RPM higher than normal. I did think that it was becasue it was somewhat hilly but when we hit the downhill portion it was still revving the same way. Once I shut off the engine and started it back up (after I filled up) it was back to normal. Good thing since I was back at freeway (flat driving) cruising 75-80MPH @ 2500RPMs.
The transmission fluid level was normal but I will be changing the fluid soon. It's been a little over 30,000 miles since the last fuid change. BTW I'll be hitting 100,000 in the next couple weeks.

Sounds like you may have had an electrical "bug". Try disconnecting the battery to reset the CPU.

I got this one!

It is the t.p.s Dead spot at mid throttle. It would take me longer to explain it than it would for you to test it. And no, it wont always throw a code. Post your results.:)
