Home Made Tool Cart | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Home Made Tool Cart

Ok so my dad picked up a craftsman tool box at an auction tonight for me it's like a 5 drawer model (not exactly sure will post pics tomorrow) and it's a bit to large to be carying to the carport ever time I work on the car.

So my plan is to make a rolling tool cart for it. Only a few issues though I have no welder and I'm not sure whether to make it out of metal of wood.

I'm leaning towards metal for the frame. I'd use like 1.5" angle iron make a recangular base held together with bolts. Then Uprights at each corner and a top part made the same as the base. Then I'd use some of the plywood I have left from another project as the filling piece to hold the box and other things.

To roll I'd get some caster. Question is Inflatable or solid rubber?

Here's the requirements for it... Needs to be high enough to work next to a vehicle, be solid enough to hold most of the tools and the box without tipping over, and what I think'll be the hardest is be maneuverable enough to roll through the front door and down the hall to my room when finished as I'm not leaving my tools on the carport.

Hope ya'll followed all this. I guess I'm really just looking for feed back on what I have so far. And also I'd love to see what others are using so post up pics of your carts.

Thanks in advance.

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This thing will be very heavy when it's loaded up with iron wrenches, sockets, ratchets, screwdrivers, and other automotive tools. You might be better off leaving it in the house. You could screw casters directly onto the bottom if you really want to make it portable. Pneumatic tires roll with the least amount of effort over uneven concrete, and dirt, but you will have to check the air in the tires occasionally.

maybe if you did a little sketch of what you want to build we can assist you better and give you positive or negative feedback. This would help you get the best design and accomadate all your needs. Also brooklynBays idea with the wheels are spot on. The bigger the wheels, the smoother thr ride is gonna be, and helps the stability of the cart. The only drawback is the wheels will stick out and you need that room because of the door with. So I would go with somthing like this. I would do two rear swivle wheels and two front non swivle wheels for stability.


The original way you described your project sounded like you wanted to make something like this: http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc...Flow=3&catalogId=10053&langId=-1&ddkey=Search

This might be easier to connect to the bottom of the cart: http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc...splay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053

This might be easier to pull since it has a handle, and it doesn't have to be connected to the bottom: http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc...splay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053

I have this trolley: http://www.explorerforum.com/reviewpost/showproduct.php/product/488/cat/all

That's almost exactly what I was thinking minus the middle shelf.

I guess a better way to describe it would be like a shop service cart.

After looking at the box a little closer it's way too big to be on a cart I'l just keep it in the house.

I'd still like some kind of cart to put tools on and have next to the car when I'm workin so I'm not bendin over every time I need a tool. You can only stick so much on the lip where the hood latch is.

Well good luck my friend and what are you worried about you back for you are only 19 years old. Your back should be prime!! Im bout to be 27 and never had the luxury of carts, creepers or lifts. You have to use your back to keep it strong or else one day you are going to be in a position where you need to use your back, it wont be used to it and you will throw it out. Sorry just my opinion.

You should save the monet and buy a cheap tool bag, Load it up with what you need for the job, and take it to the carport. Also if you have a tool bag it tends to keep you organized because when you are done you will put the tools back in the box where they belong. I would have the cart with tools spread out everywhere and not organized just because they are all together in the same area. Organized chaos. well do whatever you want, what do I know anyway you could have been injured or in a wreck, sorry not trying to bash.

Oh yea my back is in great shape also because I have always used it.

Well good luck my friend and what are you worried about you back for you are only 19 years old. Your back should be prime!! Im bout to be 27 and never had the luxury of carts, creepers or lifts. You have to use your back to keep it strong or else one day you are going to be in a position where you need to use your back, it wont be used to it and you will throw it out. Sorry just my opinion.

You should save the monet and buy a cheap tool bag, Load it up with what you need for the job, and take it to the carport. Also if you have a tool bag it tends to keep you organized because when you are done you will put the tools back in the box where they belong. I would have the cart with tools spread out everywhere and not organized just because they are all together in the same area. Organized chaos. well do whatever you want, what do I know anyway you could have been injured or in a wreck, sorry not trying to bash.

Oh yea my back is in great shape also because I have always used it.

Well mine's not the best. I'm 6'4" and have a touch of scoliosis plus a few other minor things. Workin on the car helps strengthen it a bit but I'm just kinda lookin out for the future of it. Really I think I don't want the cart to carry and store the tools I want it more of as a movable work table as I have nothing of the sort and sitting on the carport to do certain things doesn't work the best. I've never used a creeper or lift either never really saw the need for either yet.

We've got a rickety old picknic table I use but I'm just waiting for it to fall one of these days.

I did draw up plans for the cart today and after looking at just how much angle iron I would need I've decided to put it on hold for now as it's goona be a bit too expensive.

I am gonna keep my eye out at the local trash places and see if someone throws out a cart like they use in kitchens, and put new casters on it and use it till I build one.

A little pricy but heres one


If you are on a budget I would go with the harbor freight its 50$ and it might not be optimal but you could make it work for the time being.

this ones nice and its two shelves


last but not least


I did a e bay search and found lots for a good price, amazon always has deals also.
