how cold is your a/c in your first gen? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how cold is your a/c in your first gen?


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2008
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City, State
Sanford, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT stock
alright guys i've by-passed the heater core, replaced the accumulator, liquid/line hose flushed the condenser and the evaporator, and replaced the orifice tube and its still not very cold.

what could the problem be?

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I just checked that today..

At 95F ambient...

At Idle with all the doors open sitting in the sun (front yard)
With A/C on Max and the fan on high I have 60F in the center
With the A/C on Max and the fan on low I have 40F

I'll try to get some high idle and driving temps tomorrow as I have the truck is a slight condition of dis-array But, last time I looked, driving with the windows up and the a/c on max with the fan on high I was getting mid 30's.

Oh yea.. This is a 1992 X converted to r-134 with a Variable Orifice tube (VOR) with a heaterbypass valve.


What is the outside temp and the high/low side pressures?

In my Ranger, the vent temps are 38-42 at 98F outside today...Running R-12...In my Explorer the same temps with R-134a...

So with all the work you did, how long did you pull a vacuum? And what how much refrigerant oil did you install in the system? The temp outside and the pressures will tell us what you can expect to feel at the vents and where to look for issues...

And what caused you to open up the system and flush the system in the first place? You didn't happen to have a compressor go bad did you? Oh and what condition is your fan clutch and cooling system in?

right now i'm in the process of cleaning my cooling system, i pulled a vac, for about 30 mins. i put about 2oz. of oil in the system, and the reason i flushed the system is because i got all of the parts off of an ex from a junk yard. and when i pulled my original orifice tube from my ex it had a few little metal shards in it. my fan clutch never kicks on unless the engine is cold and im starting it for the first time that day. and i dont have a heater bypass valve.

what chemical is used to recharge the 1 st gen. becuase i thought it was not easily availbe, and wanted to know where you guys got yours.

what chemical is used to recharge the 1 st gen. becuase i thought it was not easily availbe, and wanted to know where you guys got yours.

From the factory the 1st gen runs r-12 which you cannot legally buy without an a/c cert.

Some people swear by "freeze-12" instead of r-12 since you can buy it without an a/c cert.

If your system needs work anyway, converting to r-134 is the way to go but if you don't do it right it won't work well at all. IF you do it right it will work well but usually not quite as well as the r-12 system.

