How do I determine if I have a 1-row or 2-row radiator? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do I determine if I have a 1-row or 2-row radiator?


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March 19, 2012
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99 Explorer Sport
My radiator needs to be replaced.

I am about to order a new one online, but I see there is an option for a 1-row or 2-row item. I do not know which I need.

I have a '99 Sport, 4.0L OHV, auto.

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Where are you ordering from? You have the link?
Im sure you have 1 row, but I'd like to look at it. Also auto trans?
Its usually a radiator thickness thing.

One row radiators are 1 inch wide and 2 row radiators are 2.25 inches wide. Ford went to a one row radiator after 1998.

1 vs 2 rows

1 row:

2 row:

regardless of whether u originally had one or two row, your better off with as much radiator as u can reasonably afford, there are radiators on ebay, welded aluminum that are cheaper than replacement from ford, welded alum, i brokered one for neighbor lady over 5 years ago, still going strong, no plastic tanks, built to diesel specs,, two row but each row equal to two row normal, so 4 row equivalent,, buck,, and no plastic crimped emds to blow out.. my new lumina rad blew out 2 weeks after replacement, burning hand, arm, eyes, i dont do plastic any more, buck

i'd vote for a many rows as you can afford. 2 different heaps 4.0L that needed new rads both over 100k. They would spike over 210 when it got hot and the A/C cranking on max. Bought all metal 3-rows which cured the over heating and i know one has 10yrs and 80k on it and no leaks.

rad on the right is greater than 4 tube equivalent. holds more coolant and not as likely to blind wi calcium deposote,,


  • radiator double width tube.jpg
    radiator double width tube.jpg
    12.5 KB · Views: 6,569

i'd vote for a many rows as you can afford. 2 different heaps 4.0L that needed new rads both over 100k. They would spike over 210 when it got hot and the A/C cranking on max. Bought all metal 3-rows which cured the over heating and i know one has 10yrs and 80k on it and no leaks.

While were on this, where are you finding multi core rads that fit? Im looking in all the wrong places.

I bought both online from radiatorbarn. Good prices, good service.
Just checked for an Ex. ('04 4.6L) only one option OEM. . .sorry for the false hope. You'd think there would be more options, they made about a bunch of 3rd gens.

That big 4 row-ish one looks nice. That is one thing i heard about more rows, smaller holes more likely to clog, i figure changing the coolant once in a while would help-imo.
