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How do I fix this?


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March 21, 2007
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95 Explorer
Okay, If you haven't already read my other 2 threads, I will get you up to speed and explain my agenda.

I don't know much about fixing cars but I am pretty good at fixing computers.

My mom's truck got smashed on the front right side, the wheel was pushed in and bent. She wants to junk it, I want to fix it (with her money).

I am pretty sure the only parts that I need are:

1. Front Right Steering Knuckle
2. Front Right Lower Control Arm
3. Front Right Tie Rod (not sure if I need both inner & outer)
4. Front Right Drive Axle (maybe not needed, don't know yet)

How do I fix it? What tools do I need? Are there any special tools I need?

Someone told me I need some kind of special tool.

1995 Ford Explorer 4x4 Eddie Bauer

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Go to Sears and get the big Craftsman set, everything you need should be in there...

spindle nut mine at NAPA

yup, might be in the craftsmen set you buy though, overall not too bad of a job maybe the better part of a saturday if you're not experienced but probably less then that. good luck!

yup, might be in the craftsmen set you buy though, overall not too bad of a job maybe the better part of a saturday if you're not experienced but probably less then that. good luck!

well seing as how i have free time 24/7. too bad i have no money. lol.

pickel forks or tie rod end popper.

Youll pertty much need an impact of a big bowl of wheaties for breakfast. I can tell you near every bolt you are about to touch is super tight.

pickel forks or tie rod end popper.

Youll pertty much need an impact of a big bowl of wheaties for breakfast. I can tell you near every bolt you are about to touch is super tight.

A really long breaker bar. Then buy some tubing to go over that to make it longer!

Yeah just the basic tools..all i have to buy was a socket for the hub nut..

pickel fork is a big no if your reusing the ball joint but you could use it for the tie rods, but seeing you dont have money a good hammer will do..

got any pictures? sure people could really help you out, if you need more things or dont.

wont he need to get a ball joint lower was pressed in and a set of snap ring pliers make it easier to do to.......hope the upper control arm aint bent to. i just replaced upper and lower ball joint and tie rod on my 97 x and it took me a bit to get my lower joint in place it pressed in from the bottom and the press i borrowed wasnt wide enough.....had to renove the rubber cup to do it with out damaging it.

