how do i remove the headlamps? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how do i remove the headlamps?


Well-Known Member
June 22, 2007
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City, State
niagara falls ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 sport
ive got an 01 sport and im swapping bulbs tomorrow but i think i need to remove the headlights to change the bulbs or atleast remove everything in the way. if thats the case then ive got one question. how th ehell does the damn air box come out? lol. i was looking at it today and i dont see any bolts in there but it does seem that its got some sort of a snap pin that goes into the plate it sits on. do i just give her a tug or whats the deal to get this out? and im guessing i need to yank the battery also on the driver side and then remove anythign else in the way?

i checked the autozone site but they dont list explorers on there and im currently lost in this forums search section looking for an answer :)

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The airbox (I beleive it's the same as on my 1997 - someone correct me if I'm wrong) should be held in place by 2 rubber grommets pushed through the plate it's sitting on. It can be a ***** to pull the damn thing out, I've skinned many a knuckle yanking mine in and out. It's sometimes a lot harder than it should be, but you just gotta pull. The sports might be set up differently, but I didn't have to touch my battery to change my headlights when I switched the housings.

I didn't mess with the battery or air box to change bulbs. Very easy to change the lights.
The '01+ Sport headlights have posts on the back of the housings that are locked in place with vertical metal straps. Would be nice if I had pics to show you how, but I'll try to just explain instead.

1) First you flip up the black plastic cover flaps above/behind the headlights.
2) Then you'll see the the two tabs on the straps that you'll need to pull up to disengage the posts. They pull straight up about an inch or so.
3) The side marker/turnsignals might need to move out of the way too to allow the headlight to come out (mine is a tight squeeze with the signals in). You'll need a phillips screwdriver to remove the one screw for each of those lights.
4) Then lift the headlamp housing out and unscrew the bulb socket from the back.

5) Replace bulb and screw socket back onto housing.
6) Push the housing back in place and slide the tabs down to lock back in. Alignment shouldn't be affected.
7) If removed, push the marker lights back onto place and reinstall the screws.
8) Push the cover flaps down and you're done.

i ended up popping the cover off and doing as you said but i didnt get a chance to read your post first. vice grips and a little loving tug and the straps came up. very easy to do. at first i wasnt sure because id never seen lights held in with just straps like that. thanks for the replies

uchi what kind of headlights u putting

Glad to see you didn't have any trouble.:)
