How hard to change rear axle bearing?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How hard to change rear axle bearing??


Active Member
October 18, 2008
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City, State
Green Bay, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport
My wife was driving my explorer last week and said she hear a loud bang. I drove the explorer after and didn't notice any problem. There has been a bearing like roar developing from the rear however, and changing the axle bearings was on my list of things to do.

Anyhow, I noticed yesturday a large puddle of oil under the left rear tire, so Im sure the bearing/seal are shot. Should I bring it in or is this something that can be done myself? Any guidance would be helpful, I've rebuilt engines and done just about everything, except rear axle work.


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It doesn't take a huge amount of skill, just a slide hammer, bearing puller, maybe a big gear puller to get the rear rotors off, and something to clean the gear oil out of your hair after draining and refilling the diff.

I'd do both sides while you're back there, and look into the offset "repair bearings" instead of direct replacements (you won't know if you need them until you get the axle shafts pulled).

easy but time consuming and since you have to drain the diff you might as well do both sides. pretty much impossible without the slider hammer with the bearing pulled attachment.

Yeah, as stated above, pretty reasonable, just don't get ahead of yourself. I think there is a how-to in the transmission/differential sub-forum. You can get the tool at the auto parts store on the loaner program. And go to the dealer and pick up a new bolt for the pin.

Cool thanks for the info everyone!
