How much for installation of plugs & wires? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much for installation of plugs & wires?


October 18, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Fullerton, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer 4.0L SOHC
I bought my spark plugs and wires recently and I have read how hard they are to chage, so I wanted to pay someone to do it for me. I called Pep Boys and they wanted $60, which I thought was really high. Another local garage wanted $70. How much should this cost and where should I get it done?

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well, they must have done them before, thus the higher price. Call some more places. If you supply the plugs and wires, a good ball park would be 1 hr labor (about $30-45). If you can someone to commit to this range, jump on it.
I myself just used some swivels, various extensions, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE di-electric grease, and a pair of older batting gloves ( With 2 baseball players in the family, ther's lots around), and plenty of beer. Not the hardest thing in the world i have ever done, and if you use quality parts (Bosch P$, al least a 9mm wire) it is not something you will not have to for quite awhile.
good luck

I just had it done recently on my 97 OHV 4.0....most of the quotes I got were $70-$90. I found a local garage that did it for $60....and that was with me supplying the plugs and was well worth it. I tried to pull one of the plugs myself and could not even get one out...let alone 6!

Figure it should take a pro about 1 hour or less....and most places charge $40-65 per hour for labor. Just find the shop with the cheapest labor rate.

dont pay to have someone do that job. it's really not that hard.

Haven't had to do mine yet thinking about changing the wires but trust me there is only one way to learn and with doing it a few times you find tricks and also remember how much of b!!ch it can be but I don't think on these vehicles it would be that hard now my '95 Z thats a pain not only do you want the right tools but you need some bandaids to go along with it on the Z anyway I would save the cash towards something that would help in the go fast department either way good luck

About when should I need to change the plugs and wires? I have a 98 Sport, approx 54K miles.
