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How Much To Repair this


Explorer Addict
July 10, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Redding CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer XLT SOHC 4x4



Everything in the door works perfectly

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You definitely need a new door skin. Junk yard is your best bet. Prices? I dunno- $100 to $150? Everything else are just body works. And, oh, painting it would probably cost you $350.

Note: all these prices are just my estimate in Queens, NY area.

that is good the accident happined about three years ago i belive we got three grand or something like that what do you think would be cheaper a new door areadly painted from another ex or your way

ouch! go the junkyard route and you'll pay abut a 125 for the skin. A body shop will probably charge you another 100 to 150 for paint. The other question is how is your paint on the rest of my vehicle. I re painted my 5.0 Mustang panel by panel due to accidents when I was a teen. It kinda looked odd having this really shiny fender or trunk when the rest of the paint had faded a bit and had some minor swirling, chips and what not

A door cost around $45 but the place I go is a you pick & pull place. Removing a door is pretty simple. You might also need some rocker panel covers.. I would start calling around all the local junkyards.

Originally posted by Billy177
what do you think would be cheaper a new door areadly painted from another ex or your way
Depending on how much you could get the door from another X of course. Finding the buyer with the right color is another story. Also, keep in mind you would still need some body work done on the side and bottom trim PLUS the paint for them.

I would just try the junkyard first. You never know they might have one the same color. As for the body works and paint, well, you just gotta shop and ask around. Good luck man. It sucks, I know.

well this is all thanks to a jeep liberty i don't really care if it looks perfect i guess i will go with the door shell and go from there how it looks. the paint looks pretty good when it is waxed and stuff but that hasn't been done in around 6 months.

well let me ask you this.... How pretty do you want it to end up looking?

Here is where the problem lies. You are gonna have to get a new used door painted, and when paint is involved so is matching. Now im guessing since you wheel there are thousands of little scratches that arent visible until you are up on it. Now when have that door painted and the blend it in it will fill in the scartches in that area and be very shiny. Especially after they buff the orange peel out of the paint. so then they are gonna want to either buff the entire vehicle and if the scratches are deep reclear the entire vehicle. Ford also decided to use extremely hard to match 3 stage paints on the explorers. you have a base color, a metallic, and a shading color. Blending that type of paint takes a good amount of space and will end up making you have a shiny spot.

that being said i would recomend you go to a PDR sho and have them work the metal back out as much as they can. Explain to them that you sont want it perfect just as close as possible without the cost being rediculous. They may be able to get most of the dent out but you will have slight dimples where the metal is kinked. Then you dont have to worry about paint matching or having a shiny spot.

or take a offroad approach all together and Rhinoline the entire thing below the body line. Helps keep scratches away and prtects the rockers from rust and what not.:D

A pdr shop isn't going to touch that probably.

nissan is right when asking the question, whats the end result you're looking for? You've got extensive damage there, if you have a bodyshop do it you're looking at an area around $2k. Can you take me a picture of the inside (interior side) of the door? Its possible that the skin wont be enough and you're going to need an ENTIRE new door. Used parts can help defer the cost there. You also have the issue that if you notice the door jamb and the lower part of the rocker panel and damaged pretty badly, the metal is actually torn where the trim along the bottom connected to it. Thats going to need to be cut out, and new steel is going to have to be welded in there and ground down, prepped, and painted. Then the door will have to be painted, hung and aligned, the trim will be replaced and the paint will be matched.

There are two ways they can do it. A average shop will wind up painting probably most of the drivers side blending the color into the existing paint to match. A good and state of the art shop will buff the paint and use a optical sensor to match the color with a myriad of different possible shades, then paint only the panels effected (the door, the rear rocker, and the trim) and not blend. This will cost more.

My best guess is any bodyshop is going to quote you $2000. Since she hit you, isn't this her insurance? Why the worry over the cost? Let her pay to redo the whole truck...

I actually just reread and noticed the part about the three years ago and the 3k. I wasn't too far off.

Sorry about the misunderstanding lol, take the information as education then!

well i called up a few junkyards and they all quoted me $400ish for a new door and how the metal is bashed in in the first pic can i just weld some sheet metal over it. and then just get the entire car repainted if the price is reasonable. I awalys liked the look of the navy blue or black explorers ;)

when it stops snowing i will get more pics

right now i dont really care if there is a noticible gap between the door and the body i just want the big ass dent removed

It is by no means a show truck :D

You'd still have dimples, creases, and scratches left, but you could probably take the door apart and hammer most of that out for free. Just depends on how much damage you can live with.


the place you go in MD, are there many ex's there. THe place I go to here in Richmond sucks when it comes to newer vehicles.
