how to deal with working in a freezing cold garage | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how to deal with working in a freezing cold garage

Originally posted by rottlover02
get a propane heater. i have a non insulated 1 1/2 car garage the side entrance door has a big open area toward the bottom. i turn my 120,000 btu heater on full blast for a half hour after that i can put it on a low setting and it stays really toasty, it helps that i wear my carhardt insulated bibs though to

We have one of those too...looks like a trashcan with no lid, and slits around the top to let the heat out. Now THAT IS THE BOMB! It really does a kicka** job of keeping it toasty. $15 bottle of propane and we can stay warm out there for 3 days straight. Of course, we insulated the hell out of our attic above the garage with that blow-in insulation stuff.
