How To: Intake gaskets and Valve Cover gasket replacements 4.0 V6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How To: Intake gaskets and Valve Cover gasket replacements 4.0 V6


Active Member
September 17, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Apex, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLT
Over the Labor Day weekend I decided to tackle this project.
Have had the dreaded valve cover leaks for a while now and noticed it while having the transmission rebuilt.
So I pulled the intake and while it was off, went ahead and popped new gaskets onto it.
I then pulled the valve covers off and put new gaskets on them (I used Fel-pro gaskets for intake and valve covers).
The passenger side was a bear but the driver side was easy.
I put a video together on it to help anyone that might be considering doing this.
The only real issue I had was my EGR tube at the header/manifold would not come loose. Instead of damaging the nut, I simply bent the EGR tube out of the way.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

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Nice and helpful video. Well done. Beautiful shop!!!


Drive safe and have fun.

I feel you on the EGR. When I had to do mine I hosed it down with oil and let it sit overnight and that nut still didn't want to turn - very awkward to get at.

Please keep making these videos, they're great and help a lot!

Does anybody know if he ever mentions the torque for the 1) 8 T30 torx intake-manifold bolts and the 2) 6 drivers side valve cover bolts?

I'm basically done replacing the seal on my drivers side valve cover but I wanna make sure I use proper torque on both the drivers side valve cover and intake manifold bolts to finish this job up.

Does anybody know if he ever mentions the torque for the 1) 8 T30 torx intake-manifold bolts and the 2) 6 drivers side valve cover bolts?

I'm basically done replacing the seal on my drivers side valve cover but I wanna make sure I use proper torque on both the drivers side valve cover and intake manifold bolts to finish this job up.
Intake manifold - 89 Lb-in = 7.416667 lb-ft
Valve cover bolts: 80 lb-in = 6.666667 lb-ft
